by thegreatninjaman » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:57 am
i think for squads to work we first need a better GUI and Chat.
Right now fighting against enemy squads is annoying because you have to kill all squad mates in that area so why not parachute spawning? let me explain further
parachute spawning would be an Optional "Risk Vs Reward" Spawn. while falling from the sky you must deploy your parachute, if you do not do it in time you will hit the ground and take fall damage. if you deploy your parachute too early you will become vulnerable until you land. you may pick what squad mate you can spawn on. it takes the old "spawning on squad mates" mechanic and balances it out.
For Spotting you should be able to see your coordinates on the mini-map while you type. when you aim at an ally it should tell you 3 things <Name> <Coordinates> <Squad>, same for the enemy but will there should be nothing in between you and the enemy. we do not need visual spotting, just a faster way to link information from map to chat.
Also instead of creating your own squad there should be presets
Alpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta, Gamma, Omega, and Epsilon. to join a squad you should use a hot-key that brings up a Screen that shows Squads and you may join any of them. there will be no leaders just a list of players who are on each squad.
also squad mates should appear as a different color on the map then other team mates. Green = Yellow Squad mates, Blue = magenta squad mates.