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Implementation of dynamic accuracy

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Implementation of dynamic accuracy

Postby DrPain » Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:46 pm

I don't really want this just for the sake of realism, I really do feel like it will balance the game.

Right now we have a real problem with weapon balance, submachine gun is too easy to control going full auto, rifle headshots everyone, and the shotgun's cone of spread never goes in the direction of aim, and lacks whoopass(and is made ineffective due to the ease of headshots using the rifle)

Please note that I have tried each gun, and when I say that rifle and SMG are overpowered, and that the shotgun is underpowered, I mean that it is just too easy to play with them, and that the shotgun has no practical use in the game.

With the implementation of dynamic accuracy though, it would mean that users of the rifle would have to stop moving to make accurate shots, submachine gun users would be need to be able to control their shots, and shotgun users would be able to take better advantage of their weapon's close range effectiveness as well as potentially having the ability to engage at midrange since while standing still, they could actually make a shot that goes in the direction that they aim.

In this game all the weapons are so easy to aim that you really can't be bad at this game, it really does not take much technical skill, emphasizes good aim over tactics and teamwork.

Dynamic accuracy would sort out players with different ranged effectiveness in their weapons, and also create players that identify with weapons that they are good or bad with, which would help in creating roles as a team player, and of course provide a much needed balance to the game weapons.

As to the nature of the dynamic accuracy, I personally believe it would best work if it were more hardcore than what is in battlefield and call of duty, encourage burst-firing with submachine gun, standing totally still in sights

I think sights should increase the accuracy when standing still, but when in motion, have it more accurate to hipfire, that way there's both an upside and a downside to being in sights.
Also consider removing the targeting reticule, so that you only know exactly where you're aiming when in sights
Although then again, people could just use a dry erase marker to mark the center of their screen

But it wouldn't be too hard to make something that gets rid of the usefulness of something like that
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Re: Implementation of dynamic accuracy

Postby ChaosTLW » Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:47 am

DrPain wrote:I don't really want this just for the sake of realism, I really do feel like it will balance the game.

Right now we have a real problem with weapon balance, submachine gun is too easy to control going full auto, rifle headshots everyone, and the shotgun's cone of spread never goes in the direction of aim, and lacks whoopass(and is made ineffective due to the ease of headshots using the rifle)

Please note that I have tried each gun, and when I say that rifle and SMG are overpowered, and that the shotgun is underpowered, I mean that it is just too easy to play with them, and that the shotgun has no practical use in the game.

With the implementation of dynamic accuracy though, it would mean that users of the rifle would have to stop moving to make accurate shots, submachine gun users would be need to be able to control their shots, and shotgun users would be able to take better advantage of their weapon's close range effectiveness as well as potentially having the ability to engage at midrange since while standing still, they could actually make a shot that goes in the direction that they aim.

In this game all the weapons are so easy to aim that you really can't be bad at this game, it really does not take much technical skill, emphasizes good aim over tactics and teamwork.

Dynamic accuracy would sort out players with different ranged effectiveness in their weapons, and also create players that identify with weapons that they are good or bad with, which would help in creating roles as a team player, and of course provide a much needed balance to the game weapons.

As to the nature of the dynamic accuracy, I personally believe it would best work if it were more hardcore than what is in battlefield and call of duty, encourage burst-firing with submachine gun, standing totally still in sights

I think sights should increase the accuracy when standing still, but when in motion, have it more accurate to hipfire, that way there's both an upside and a downside to being in sights.
Also consider removing the targeting reticule, so that you only know exactly where you're aiming when in sights
Although then again, people could just use a dry erase marker to mark the center of their screen

But it wouldn't be too hard to make something that gets rid of the usefulness of something like that

You pretty much said everything I think on this topic. I only disagree on one thing: I think the shotgun shouldn't be affected by spread when moving, nor should aiming affect it too much, to emphasize it's role as a mobile weapon.
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