risheb wrote:Name:risheb
New IGN:[bhs]predator
Do You Accept The Rules?:yes
Timezone:Indian Standard Time
Main Server(s):Minit us-assault
Favourite Weapon(s)rifle
Why I want to join: I want to join because i have never been in a clan ,so i want to know how a clan works.I want to join this clan because i like the rules.Especially the Kangaroo part XD.:)
risheb wrote:how do i get to move to the next rank
xBURGERx wrote:Did you leave RHS fir this? Good choice. Your clan also has good players so hope you grow bigger :)
Benomatic00 wrote:Sure! New Rank: Trusted Personnel
Well done Warstar! You have been promoted to a Trusted Personnel - the new rank! Only one person can be in this position at a time, and only the leaders can choose who is in it. No one else is allowed to. Technically, you do exactly what you have been doing, because you have been acting a bit over General anyway which is fine because we let you. *gasps for air*.
Hope you like it! :)
STRIKEFORCE081 wrote:Todays kills by me on STOOGEGAMERS Australia
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