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FIFA World Cup [AoS Style]

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FIFA World Cup [AoS Style]

Postby CrazyPug37 » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:38 pm

FIFA World Cup:

Everybody loves the world cup, right? Well, I have decided to make the AoS World Cup!

You can pick 3 countries.
Once a country gets picked 5 times, it will be in the Cup.
You cannot change your votes after you post them.

Only 32 countries can make it, so good luck voting!

You can also recommend yourself to be a player for 1 of the teams.

I will write down the teams, rosters, and the dates of the matches, and scores. The scores and the matchups will be randomly produced from a computer.

Thank you for reading this.
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Most Kills: 308 in 1:30 minutes on r1ctf 24/7 Hallway
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