Hello there, fellow soldier. This clan will be specialized in quick, precision movements, using our teammates as mobile spawn points to get back quickly in the action. As this is a specialized team, expect to take orders, from me, and in the future, from other officers.
Nota:(To all spanish-speakers, if you speak English, skip this part)
A todo hispanohablante: You hablo espanol completamente (viva Peru!! :D), asi que te puedo traducir las ordenes y otras conversasiones. Si te sientes mas tranquilo hablando espanol, y la mayoria de jugadores habla espanol, cambiaremos el clan a espanol solamente(depende en la cantidad de gente que se una)
Clan rules:
Please be respectful at all times, that includes not using racial slurs (n**ga and other words like that are completely not tolerated), swear words are fine, as long as they are not directed towards another clan member. If you are a lone wolf type of guy, or more of a rebel that doesn't like taking orders, this clan in not for you.
Expect to hear and use this basic commands:
-Enemy spotted: Say that when you see an enemy in a big map, in small action maps, it's not needed.
-Enemy killed: Always report your kills, it helps keep track of our score and such.
-Hold!: I'll give that command when you are the last one standing in the whole squad. You are instructed to run to the nearest cover place, or dig a hole, and wait for teammates to spawn on you.(This is the most important order, don't mess it up, please)
Extra info:
My name is Andre, but most people call me Andrew, and that is my gaming name. My steam account is andrew240197, and my e-mail is [email protected]
Current teamspeak server is (Note: This is not a paid for server, I'm hosting it from my computer, which means that it'll be up as long as I'm up, until we get enough clan members to get our own rented server. I'm not a veteran teamspeak hoster, so expect mistakes of my part, and maybe for the address to change)
Official team members:
-Andrew (me, 16 years old male)
-Melissa (co-founder, 13 years old female)
-Fiorella (9 years old female)
Yeah, I Know, lots of little kids there, but if I get enough people in the squad, I'll play with them some other time, and I'll make a more mature squad. All range of ages accepted as of now. BTW: Both of them are my sisters :D
New team members(You'll be moved to official after you play more than 2 hours with the clan):
-Hauz (less than 15 male)
Info required if joining:
Name(how you want to be called):
In-game name:
Steam(y/n; if yes, what is your steam account?):
Will you follow orders(simple commands, I'm not gonna boss you around):
Do you have teamspeak?:
If you do, do you have, and are willing to use a microphone?:
Time zone:
Time zone is very important. I live in Florida and use EST(-05:00). If you live in some other country and want to log on into a far away server, on non-convenient hours go ahead, but i think it'll be mostly a North American clan. As of now, I have been playing mostly on "F4tal clan server" (NA)
Required information
Clan name:X-ray Extraction Team
Clan tag:[X-ray]
Link to your clan's thread:none yet.
Link to any external forums if you are using any:none.
Desired clan section description: Already specified above.
Leader(s) name:Andrew