Bandage wrote:It's the Activision and their greedy, moneyhungry business. They're pushing IW into bad limits, and actually most of the Infinity Ward's employees are gone already - either kicked out by Activision or just by their own decisions. Those guys have founded the Respawn Studios and are now making a new game (mysteriously giving us blurry images only). Just to give you some nowadays' info...
Anyway, the point is that Call of Duty is a money cow that Activision likes to milk pretty often. The only fix for that is resisting to buy their stuff, even the retail games. The quality suffers more over the time when it's being bought all over again. If people stop buying it, developers might try to do something to keep people playing it (note might). I'm afraid that the whole game is going to be dumped off when people stop playing it though.
And thus, activision will turn their sights towards a new cow.