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2 class ideas 3 class changes and a new interface idea

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2 class ideas 3 class changes and a new interface idea

Postby astinkypuppy » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:44 pm

I found that the classes in this game are not really classes, instead they are just different weapons. I thought of a few ways to make these different weapons actually real classes by changing a few things about them.

#1 Rifle: the Rifle man should have the ability to spot a enemy. and instead of showing the enemy on the map (like BF3) it should show what coordinates the enemy is in for 15 seconds and the borders of the coordinates will be hi-lighted in red. this will help you're team to find hostiles without you having to open the map and chat box and find and type the coordinates of the enemy leaving you vulnerable to enemy fire and by the time you are finished typing he has already travelled across 3 different coordinates.

#2 SMG: the smg man should be armed with secondary smoke grenades that can conceal a 4X4 area for 5 seconds giving him enough time to sprint across the smoke to safety on the other side. this will help on assault maps like Goon Assault cause you can throw a smoke grenade and pass over to the other cover safely without getting overkilled by 4 snipers. however you can only carry 2 smoke grenades at a time to prevent being a mega troll and smoking all of you're allies.

#3 Shotgun: the shotgun trooper is a CQC trooper and there fore has Tougher body armour and can take 25% more damage than a average trooper giving you the upper-hand in CQC combat.
REASON WHY THE SHOTGUN TROOPER NEEDS MORE HEATH: He is a CQC soldier for gods sake! im sick of the smg guy being able to pwn the shotgun guy at point blank.

I have also had a few new Class ideas to improve teamwork and attack/defend game play.

#1 Field Man: armed with only a pistol, medic pack, and 2 regular grenades this man is not fit for frontal assault. however instead of holding the old 50 blocks he is able to hold 80 making him more ideal for building defences.
the medic pack works a little differently than most games (for balance) instead of holding/dropping a medic kit and healing all who is near you will use the medic kit on someone or you're self and they will regenerate 50 health over 5 seconds. after using the medic kit you will have to wait for a cool-down of 10 seconds before using it again.

#2 Machine Gunner: armed with a heavy duty MG with 100 ammo makes this soldier very useful against crowds. however the MG does less damage than the SMG and has heavy recoil (10 shots without moving the mouse downwards and you are staring at the sky) and is very inaccurate. however, this recoil can be countered by deploying the bi-pod on walls making this a very stable and lethal defence gun. when deployed you cant aim behind you or directly beside you making flanking a stationary gunner a useful tactic and it takes 3 seconds to deploy/retract the bi-pod so if you get surprised from behind you better hope the enemy dose not see you or you are a sitting duck while retracting the bi-pod. also the machine gunner carries a ammo box that works like a medic pack but instead of 50 heath over 5 seconds it resupplys 1 clip with a cool down of 5 seconds (1 clip every 5 seconds)

I also came up with a few interface ideas and game play changes

Custom Skins- whenever you get a new texture pack there is always one problem... it changes the texture of everyone. it should be changed so everyone can have their own skin so every soldier on the field looks unique rather than everyone looking the same making you not care about them as much. imagine how cool it would be to have a fire fight and you are against a Spartan from halo, a Vietnam soldier, and a basic skin guy who is shooting at you with a G36 while you are fighting back with a assault rifle from alien while you're friend is throwing ww2 German style hand grenades.

easy to use interface- one of the largest problems is a hard to use interface in order to vote kick someone you need to type /vote-kick (name here that you will probably get wrong cause he is using custom characters that you cant retype) whenever there is a hacker but nobody knows how to vote kick or the hacker is using unrepeatable characters it is impossible to vote kick him and you are stuck with a hacker for the rest of the game. there should be a way that you can open up the score board and click a button that's beside each name that says Vote-kick so even if the guy has unrepeatable characters you can still kick him without having to switch you're font to wingdings.
also there should be better custom server commands so if a server has medic packs in it instead of needing to type a command you can just press a button on you're keyboard and use the medic pack. also air strikes should be improved so you can just click on a coordinate on the map and it will call the air strike there cause one of the most annoying things is finally getting a air strike and before you can press the enter key you get killed.

Thank you for reading and I hope this did not waste your time. feel free to improve any ideas and suggest new ones.
criticism is fine but please make sure its constructive criticism.
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Re: 2 class ideas 3 class changes and a new interface idea

Postby HoboHob » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:37 pm

They aren't supposed to be classes -_-

Also agree with the custom skins. And the votekicks.
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Re: 2 class ideas 3 class changes and a new interface idea

Postby ChaosTLW » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:41 pm

Most of those were already suggested multiple times already.
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Re: 2 class ideas 3 class changes and a new interface idea

Postby Derpy » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:57 am

Not supposed to be classes, some of the ideas on DNSL.

Also, a way to deal with un-typable names is already dealt with.
There's a number next to each name. Type that in instead of the name, and you still got a votekick for the same person.
Last edited by Derpy on Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2 class ideas 3 class changes and a new interface idea

Postby Socrates » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:35 am

Definatly agreed with the votekicking idea. Many Hackers get away because we can't type in their names. Also I like your medipack and airstrike ideas. I think we should be able to use an airstrike even if we die, because it still took time and some skill or luck to earn. I hate dying when I get airstrikes (even though they've never really gotten me many kills, its still fun).
Contrary to popular belief on AoS, it actually IS possible to get a headshot WITHOUT hacking. Who would've guessed?
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