hey guys i want to hear how you guys deal with doucebags?? because at my school just about every male with hair on his head is a doucebag there are alot that make me pissed off but i'll only go into one dude he is the kind of guy where if you are talking to a friend about a girl you like and he hears you he'll say "shut up you'll never get a girl" or when you are talking to said girl he yells stuiped shit that does not even make any logical sense wht so ever. i have been ignoring the guy for the past school year put im prettyclose to ripping his ears off i found these web sites that help but i wanna hear it from another person
http://themanupblog.com/hate-dealing-wi ... eir-place/
http://www.cracked.com/article_15822_5- ... ience.html
http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/h ... s-you-guys
if you read the cracked article he is douch bg number 1