We are ELITE, a new clan built to bring all of its members to the top(skill-wise) and hopefully dominate whoever we face. Most clans have a large paragraph here explaining how great their clan is. We don't waste your time with that; both because it's pointless and I'm too lazy.
Want to join?
Use the following format to apply:
- Code: Select all
Skill Level(1-10):
Skype(if you have one):
Google Account(if you have one):
Past Clans:
Why you would like to join:
Superior Members
Superior members are members of ELITE who stand out among the others. They are good players and good sports; if they get killed they don't cry about it or get butthurt claiming the other player is hacking, etc.
To apply to be a Superior member, you must face me(Pancake) in a 1v1 duel. We play to 30 points on the map Hallway(this game will be hosted on a private server). We only use rifles- not SMGs nor shotguns. I will judge if you are worthy(you usually will be if you beat me to 30 points. or are close). Your application will be denied if you capture the intel, use another gun purposefully, whine, accuse me of hacking(I don't hack despite all of your arguments), or hack yourself(we can tell).
I can also handpick who should be a Superior member.
Just PM me to contact me.
To Other Clans
As simple as it gets, you are only our enemy if you decide to trash us. If you start trashing in games or disrespecting a member of ours, we will declare war and begin disrespecting yours. In other words, we will use common sense.
Follow these and I won't get pissed.
I. No multiclanning. If you are a member of ELITE, you are a member of ELITE alone.
II. Do not whine. We don't need babies in this clan.
III. Always strive to better yourself.
IV. Respect all of the leaders.
V. Respect all others of the clan.
VI. Treat other players and other clans with respect, unless they are enemies with us.
VII. Follow orders.
VIII. Try to be as active as possible.
IX. Don't hack. It's pathetic. This clan is about pure skill.
Superior Members
Clan Matches
Record: 1-0
Past Clan Matches
[ELITE] vs. [BHS] (CTF to 5 captures)
Result: 5 - 2, VICTORY
Upcoming Clan Matches
Alpha Squad ([AS]) - Accepted
Match Details:
Player Amount: 3 vs. 3
Players Participating: Pancake, Axcien, Skwid
Map: Pinpoint
Time: N/A
Delta Recon ([DR]) - Accepted
Match Details:
Player Amount: 3 vs. 3
Players Participating: Pancake, Axcien, Skwid
Map: Hallway or Bridge Wars
Time: Saturday, October 6th
2:00 PM Mountain Time (US)
3:00 PM Central Time (US)
4:00 PM Eastern Time (US)
Requested Clan Matches
Icarus([ICS]) - Status: Pending
None as of now. We're friendly. :)