Note: This forum is merely an archive. It is no longer possible to register or post. - StackOverflow New Ace of Spades Forums:
Hello everyone! Names Socrates, I have been playing Ace of Spades for a little while now and have decided to join the forums! Not much else for me to say really so lets just call it good at that.
Contrary to popular belief on AoS, it actually IS possible to get a headshot WITHOUT hacking. Who would've guessed?
Welcome. Enjoy your stay here in the Ace of Spades Forums Luxury Hotel. Don't expect room service. Nor a TV, nor a sexy maid, nor free cocoa mixes, nor privacy in your shower. You have been warned
ugotpiez wrote:AoS has just earned a famous philosopher.
And also a famous Brazilian football(americans would call it soccer) player.
#1 most active member
We are here because the Universe offers conditions so life can evolve,to the point where(at least one)species,in a small planet around a star lost between millions of galaxies,is able to ask itself:What was my origin? (M. Gleiser)