Vortex wrote:I really do not think you should spawn next to your squad after dying, if reviving is implemented (Being that, reviving should take a good minute or few).
Say, would ya wait 2-3 minutes just to respawn near squad leader?
Personally, I think that almost all ideas, listed in this thread would unnecessary complicate AoS. Disregard chat commands, but did you noticed there are only few keys needed to play a game. And there you go, suggesting new menus for squad leaders, selecting blueprints for buildings and placing it with mouse... C'mon guys, it's not bad to dream, but firstly, the game should be user friendly and without much complications.
About spotting thingy... What do you think tracers are for? You can perfectly find enemies position attentively looking at the map.
Paradroping, imo, is absolutely insane idea. Why creator should work on implementing completely new feature (talk about parachute opening, than lowering altitube, etc.).
Among all ideas I think temporal spawn point could work, but with a lot of limitations. Its mechanics should be similar to tents in territory control, but enemy team doesn't capture, but destroys it. Also, it should work like airstrike (killing streak needed, say, about, 10-15 kills). Oh, and it can not exceed certain distance from your base.
Like I said, it's not bad to dream about features, but think about developers, who'll be implemeting it.
Only corpses consider other more important than themselves...