To start off, Vanilla is the more simple way to run a server. There are less admin tools, and less cool features to use, but it is so simple an 8 year old could do it.
`Either Way, you must do these 4 steps!`
Step 1) Go to Start>Run>cmd
Once you are in CMD, type the following: ipconfig. A bunch of numbers and periods should come up on the black box, and most of that is useless for what you want to do. You should see somewhere the following:
Default Gateway . . . . . . ***.***.*.* (The stars are numbers, but everyone's is different)
Step 2) Take that default gateway, and put it into the address bar of your favorite web browser, where you would normally put a website in. It should look like this: "***.***.*.*" in the address bar. (no quotes)
Step 3) This should bring you to a webpage with a box for username and password. If you know this, put it in. The default ones are:
Username: admin
No password (leave blank)
Username: administrator
No password
Username: default
No password
LOOK on the side of your router for the password, it's almost always there, also!
Also, if you don't know how to do this try going to http://portforward.com.
****If you cannot figure out what this is, contact your ISP and ask for it.****
Step 4) Now, what you should do is look for a section that has something to do with ports, port forwarding, gaming, server setup, etc.
On mine, it looks like this.
Once you have found that section, you want to forward the UDP port 32887. It should say something like, "Add application to forward", and you want to choose custom port. This step is very important, because doing this allows your server to show up on the master list (play page). Once you put all of the port info in, it should look like this. The Christopher.PC thing will be different :P
Congratulations! You finished the hardest part of starting up a server!
*If port forwarding does not work and you are sure you have done everything correctly, try to disable your firewall and then run a server. If it works with firewall off, make an exception for port 32887.
=========[VANILLA (Easier, but with less admin tools)]==========
This is the easiest way, and it is mainly for beginners.
Step 1) Navigate to your Ace of Spades folder, which is usually C:/Ace of Spades/
Step 2) Double click Server.ini, and fill out to your liking. Then, save it, and click server.exe. Fill out this to your liking, and then go on until you get the 'advertise on master server' thing. This should be yes if you want it to appear on the master server.
You are done creating a Vanilla server. It should now appear on the server list, and have fun! Be a good admin :)
=========[PYSPADES(Harder, but with many more admin tools)]==========
Step 1) Go here, and download the latest 'pyspades-feature_server' file. It's a ZIP file, so you are going to need to extract it with something like 7-Zip. This is my favorite archiver :)
Step 2) Once you have extracted it to the place you want, you need to get into the 'dist' folder. You should see a 'config.txt' file, and you should open it up with Notepad.
Step 3) This is the most important step, because if you mess the format of the config up, it won't run, and you will get some confusing errors. You see something that says "pyspades server", and that is the server name. Change it to whatever you want it to appear as on the Master Server. Also, scroll down until you see "REPLACEME" in the config, this is your admin password. You change that to whatever you want to login with to get admin rights. Admins can use commands such as:
/god - This command puts you in godmode, you get no fall damage, and nobody can kill you. You can't kill others in this mode, however.
/invisible - Self explanatory, has the same effect as god, but you are also invisible to others!
/fly - This is a very useful one for spectating. Once flying, jump, and press CTRL a lot to go higher. Don't go too high, or it will crash the client, and possibly the server!
/ban [player] [time in minutes] - Bans a player's IP from your server. Put 0 in for the time to make it permanent.
/kick [player] - Kicks a player from the server, but they can rejoin at any time.
Once your config is finished, double click on run.exe in your 'dist' folder, and enjoy! Server should be on master list now :)
I hope I helped you a lot!
*Do not copy this tutorial without credit to me, blah blah blah, blah blah blah.*
So...you want even MORE of a challenge, but more user controls? Go HERE.
Credits for that advanced tutorial to Charem.
Also, to install from source, LASTofSPADES has made a video tutorial here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYZdcTDO ... ghXiHBg%3D