Hey everyone! The clan council is currently recruiting members, if you are interested please keep reading.
What is the purpose of the council?
The clan council serves the purpose of discussing applications sent from clans in order to become official and receive their own subsection, it is an easy task but not everyone is able to actually do it right.
We will require dedicated and active members who are willing to investigate clans for several days/weeks in order to construct an entirely professional opinion of a clan (following some bullet points) to later on cast a vote and debate the votes with the other council members in order to reach a conclusion. Although it sounds like a relatively easy task not everyone is able to pull it off while remaining entirely professional and unbiased towards a clan, what I mean by unbiased is being able to construct your opinion out of facts and not personal opinions of the clan members/leaders, these kind of votes are frowned upon inside the council.
As this is an anonymous position we require you to send the application via PM to the clan managers usergroup (make sure to choose the usergroup in the box highlighted in the previous URL), don't post them here and make sure you include all the information about yourself in it, regarding clans and your involvement in them and why you would like to form part of the council, these are some of the things that you should keep in mind while writing the application. This written application will be a huge influence so make sure you take your time writing it.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them here, but don't post your application here or you will be instantly denied. Good luck to all applicants!