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how do you guys deal with doucebags????

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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Talent » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:00 pm

lehma18 wrote:
ZaPhobos wrote:Locker COMBO.

My bad, chill out.

And violence is not the answer, psychological warfare is.

Violence is always the answer. How do you think monarchs and dictators were brought down, protesting? Fight fire with fire.

How do you think monarchs and dictators came into power. Please, continue the cycle.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Defaulter » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:04 pm

It is human nature to be violent. To destroy and kill.

Good luck changing the fundamental basics of human psychology that brought our species to the fore front in the first place o7

It wasn't just our ability to think and use tools that brought us to being the dominant species on the planet, it was ferocity/violence/blood shed/genocide and extermination of other species/races.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby EldredChandler » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:07 pm

When I murder people, I like to upload pics online, helps me release the stress of killing people. Violence is the only answer ever.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby lehma18 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:01 pm

EldredChandler wrote:When I murder people, I like to upload pics online, helps me release the stress of killing people. Violence is the only answer ever.

Nice ad hominem. 1/5, try harder next time
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Poptart » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:46 pm

Kick Him in the Nuts
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby ChaosTLW » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:54 pm

lehma18 wrote:
ZaPhobos wrote:Locker COMBO.

My bad, chill out.

And violence is not the answer, psychological warfare is.

Violence is always the answer. How do you think monarchs and dictators were brought down, protesting? Fight fire with fire.

inb4 Mahatma Ghandi.

lehma18 wrote:
EldredChandler wrote:When I murder people, I like to upload pics online, helps me release the stress of killing people. Violence is the only answer ever.

Nice ad hominem. 1/5, try harder next time

That's not an ad hominem, it is an argumentum ad ridiculum.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Space101 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:40 pm

By being an even bigger douchebag.

Works 65% of the time.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Venator » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:47 pm

Or you just beat the crap out of him.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby ZaPhobos » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:46 pm

Talent wrote:
lehma18 wrote:
ZaPhobos wrote:Locker COMBO.

My bad, chill out.

And violence is not the answer, psychological warfare is.

Violence is always the answer. How do you think monarchs and dictators were brought down, protesting? Fight fire with fire.

How do you think monarchs and dictators came into power. Please, continue the cycle.

By being cool guys and giving a somewhat fair rule. Ish. And blood.

War exists only to create more war. Only by manipulation can you stop people. That's why I took his lunch. Hunger is bad. He didn't like hunger. HE STOPPED.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Poptart » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:56 pm

If someone kicked me in the nuts i would stop bullying that person
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby lehma18 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:43 am

ZaPhobos wrote:War exists only to create more war. Only by manipulation can you stop people. That's why I took his lunch. Hunger is bad. He didn't like hunger. HE STOPPED.

War exosts only because people are selfish pricks, and capitalism. Only by violence can you stop violence permanently. Getting your arm broken like a branch is very unpleasant. EVERYONE stopped.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby ZaPhobos » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:03 am

lehma18 wrote:
ZaPhobos wrote:War exists only to create more war. Only by manipulation can you stop people. That's why I took his lunch. Hunger is bad. He didn't like hunger. HE STOPPED.

War exosts only because people are selfish pricks, and capitalism. Only by violence can you stop violence permanently. Getting your arm broken like a branch is very unpleasant. EVERYONE stopped.

...for a short time.

Breaking their minds will debilitate them to the point of incapability. Now let's get real anyway, you're getting assault charges pressed on you, when you could rather have them just get punshed to the brink of suicide themselves.

Mind break.
Still capable of function, but not doing what you don't what them to not do.
This is how Hiter got his followers.

See my point? Hateful people were encouraged for an unjust cause because he knew so much, and could manipulate them.

Knowledge is power.

As for war, I will fall back on Big Brother.
War is peace. - Fighter each other is the same as joining with each other, you are in union, but with different names.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby razor10000 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:42 am

Ok guys. If you don't want to read very boring ass suggestions, just skip to the last suggestion.

First of all, ask yourself. Why is he being a douche to you? Did you do anything to him? There are a few ways you can avoid anyone doing this shit to you:

Suggestion 1:
Ignore him. There is no point of him doing this kind of thing to you if you don't even give a duck.

Suggestion 2:
Make them look like shit. Like ChaosTLW said, ridiculing them is a great way to get 'em. Things like laughing at them or using awesome as insults are a good example.

Suggestion 3:
xXxGpridexXx wrote:Say they're mean and tell on them.

I lol'd. Try to avoid this at all times actually. You'll look weak and that's just gonna make your chances of survival at school even more difficult.

Suggestion 4:
Psychological combat. Like ZaPhobos said, the art of breaking the mind is perfect for most situations. Stuff like blackmail is a good thing to use, especially if you know the douchebag's locker code.

Suggestion 5:
Make shit loads of friends, especially sporty, athletic ones. If you're the really friendly guy and is scared to beat up the douchebag yourself, just let your friends do that shit for you. They are there to stick up for you.

And then there's this:
Suggestion X: Beat the shit out of them :D

Hope this helped.
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby Lastman » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:40 pm

Outwit him...then beat the crap out of him :D
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Re: how do you guys deal with doucebags????

Postby lehma18 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:16 pm

ZaPhobos wrote:...for a short time.

Nope.avi. I live in a moderately large city, yet word passed quite far away from my high school. No-ones bothered me in years thanks to what i did to the dick.

you're getting assault charges pressed on you

Not if you're smart like i was. The guy attacked me, it was self defense. *Face-with-a-grin*
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