Post the dream(s) you have had from the last night or a really good dream if you have one to share.
My dream (In this format because I spoke of it on IRC and I am too lazy to retype it):
[23:11:10] <Frosty`> Well, it all started like this...
[23:11:30] <Frosty`> I woke up in a house in the countryside and I had this pet monkey next to me
[23:11:36] <Frosty`> He was called Darwin
[23:11:45] <Frosty`> "Ready to go to school Darwin?" I said
[23:11:55] <Frosty`> "oo ee aaah" replied the monkey
[23:12:11] <Frosty`> I dressed the monkey in my schools uniform and we set off
[23:12:26] <Frosty`> En route, we encountered a bang of dangerous chavs!
[23:12:40] <Frosty`> These chavs wanted to hurt the monkey
[23:12:59] <Frosty`> They said: "Oi, where is that monkey, we wanna beat them him up"
[23:13:24] <Frosty`> Being the genius that I am, I outsmarted the chavs and overcame their horrendously bad intelligence
[23:13:35] <Frosty`> "He by the lampost" I said
[23:13:59] <Frosty`> The chavs then ran off to the lampost, hitting it at full speed and falling unconsious
[23:14:24] <Frosty`> "Typical chavs" I said. Me and darwin proceeded to school
[23:14:53] <Frosty`> *A few mins later* (I think my dream skipped a bit)
[23:15:16] <Frosty`> "Thank you for taking me to school Luc" said darwin
[23:15:47] <Frosty`> "Gee wilikers!" Luc said with suprise "You can talk Darwin!"
[23:15:55] <Frosty`> And the dream ends there
[23:16:01] <FangedBeast> Wat
[23:16:05] <Frosty`> Then later on, I get beaten up by a fat guy
[23:16:18] <Frosty`> I could feel the pain, it wasn't nice
[23:16:28] <Frosty`> He crushed my skull with his fat
[23:16:41] <Frosty`> And then I had another dream...
[23:16:46] <Frosty`> ...which I shant talk about