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I need some help it says this all the time Disconnected from master server! Done! if your disconnected from the master server, check port settings, disable extra network devices, and check for game updates Except I dont know where port settings is
Im having the same problem. Im using a Lynksys E3000 Router, and I forwarded my ports, and added the rule, AND tried to turn off my firewall. It always says: Could not retrieve IP address. Then, after awhile, It will start Connecting, and Disconnection from the Master server. Not sure whats wrong. So, I need help.
AadamZ5, you should just ignore them, it will connect eventually. BUT, I HIGHLY suggest using pyspades. It's fully customizable and scriptable, and it gets updated MUCH more often. The regular server.exe is old and never updated.
PXYC wrote:AadamZ5, you should just ignore them, it will connect eventually. BUT, I HIGHLY suggest using pyspades. It's fully customizable and..........