Step 1) Download the script you wish to add into your server.
Copy all of the code in the script, paste it into Notepad, and save it as file. (Change MyScript to whatever)
Step 2) Once you have your .py file, you should place it in the script folder in your pyspades folder.
Step 3) Once it is in the script folder, you should go into your config.txt. Scroll down until you see something like this:
- Code: Select all
"scripts" : [
Now, all you have to do is add your script into that list, in the same format. Make sure all of the scripts have commas at the end of that line except the last script on the list. For example, it should look like this:
Edit: SLoW says that you need to indent the script's name with 8 SPACES and not TABS
- Code: Select all
"scripts" : [
Step 4) Save the config, and run your server!
Note: If you get some sort of error, you have made a mistake. Re-read the tutorial and then try fixing any errors. If you still can't fix it, go to and ask someone there. Also, try posting on this thread.