I'm working on a mod pack and thought I'd work on the png folder. My first image of interest was indicator.bmp
I rarely, if ever, work with .bmp files. I had NO idea how transparent BMP files worked. So after a little internet combing, I tried some ideas.
First was the 0, 0 indexed trick, where you set the image to Indexed using 256 colors and have slot 0, 0 be your background color.
Second was the 255, 0, 255 "Magic Pink" trick, where your background is set to an RGB value of 255, 0, 255.
Third was using "Color to Alpha" in Gimp, making short work of the Magic Pink.
All three ideas did not work. Or rather, they seem to have worked too well. The indicator does not even appear anymore!
Any ideas on how I could've screwed up royally this time?