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The history of <@>

TheOperators - a hue comprised of a mixture of game devs, forum staff, wiki admins, hue, IRC operators and trusted hue.

Re: The history of <@>

Postby PyroPlunger » Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:02 pm

Most of if not all of the clan members have become bored or unhappy with the current version.
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Re: The history of <@>

Postby mikuli » Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:14 pm

BigxJimmy wrote:So your saying this clan was made in less than a minute, on a IRC channel?
also, how come I never see any of you in game?
(stupid question, yall are all busy admining right?)

That's about right. Why would you need huge and Grandyous plans for something as simple as starting a team like this? I mean, we already half-knew each other online and played games on a regular basis.

Also, some of us play 0.76rc10.
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