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[Request] Noshahr Canals

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[Request] Noshahr Canals

Postby razor10000 » Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:10 am

This might take a lot of time, but it would be awesome to see an AoS map on Nosharh Canals from Battlefield 3. Here is a closest example of how big the map might be:

Basically, the Blue team will spawn on the US base on the battleship and their half of the map will probably be water. Green will spawn at the Russian base so the bottom-right corner of the map will be cut off for space. Green team will be on land most of the time (unless they try to spawn camp at the Blue base).

This map will be suitable for ToW and maybe CTF, but might be to big for TDM (though there is a TDM variant of the map). I'm not sure if this whole map fits onto AoS standards, but give it a try maybe and it would be a pretty cool map.

Another picture from an oblique view:
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Re: [Request] Noshahr Canals

Postby EssigGurkenFred » Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:47 pm

Would be great if somebody could do this... but like you said, this is a big piece of work :)
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