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very low FPS?

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very low FPS?

Postby zephir » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:04 pm

I've been experiencing some very low FPS lately, wondering what could be a possible cause?
my desktop is getting lower fps than my laptop. my laptop has lower specs, less ram, a lousy graphics processor (intel HD 3k), but my desktop has superior hardware in everything, it shouldn't be giving me 8-20 fps!

I'm wondering if this game relies heavily on CPU instead of GPU... I changed my power settings lately to limit CPU state to 50% maximum, none of my other games are affected by this change except AoS.

If AoS is CPU dominant over GPU, and chance I can make it use more GPU?
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Re: very low FPS?

Postby Rydogger » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:43 pm

AoS is all CPU, it doesn't use your GPU because it doesnt need to. And there is no way to make it use GPU. Try to run the game windowed with a resolution of 800x600
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