Doctor wrote:Looking great so far, although with the current fog distance and lenght of the maps I doubt it would be an enjoyable experience to de a helicopter.
However, a feature must be considered of a helicopter being able to hold like 3 players, with 1 being the pilot and the other 2 shooting deuce out the windows. (is "deuce" the plural of "deuce", or is it deuces?) To do so, chopper.kv6 must have an interior, able to hold 2 people to walk around and shoot out the windows, and the pilot in the cockpit ofcourse.
And how about the heli can "mark" enemy players on the minimap by adding a crosshair on the pilots screen, and the pilot must click on the player to tag him (for like 30 seconds) or simply everyone in the vield of vision is on the minimap. That way it accomplishes it's recon role perfectly.
And we are talking about aerial vehicles here, so all personnel occupying a helicopter must have parachutes with them. It would look just like Paratroopers avatar. You can probably only get them in the helicopter, as carrying parachutes in ground combat situations is just plain stupid. Parachutes can be activated by pressing Space mid-air.
Also, medical/resupply crates should have parachutes attached to them too, because in this state the contents may break or be destroyed as it falls down really hard. Parachutes would slow the descent of the crate down, and people would look up and wait until it comes down (I can imagine being headshotted while doing so), I suggest giving it 3 uses, as people would rush the crates to get it first.
Hope this helps.