Hi my name is Fortune.
This is my forum thread because I recently wanted to make YouTube videos of AoS, but
Not commentaries. I like to collect clips and turn them into community based videos.
The whole point of this is not just for me to get subscribers but for anybody to get exposure to YouTube and to get subscribers.
Now before you think you can just submit clips, please take a few minutes out of your time and fill out this small questionaire
What is your in game name?:
What is your YouTube channel name?: (Link to the channel if you have never uploaded a YouTube video before)
Are you in a clan?: (if so please name them)
What gun(s) do you use in your clip(s)?: (eg: clip 1: smg clip 2: rifle clip 3: shotgun)
Briefly explain your clip(s):
Rules for clip submissions:
1. Please do not put Music or Commentary over your clip(s)!
(any music or commentary over clips will need to be send back and edited out and then reset)
2. No editing over clips.
Fail to follow these simple rules may determine if I accept your clips or not.
( Don't make me do it!)
Email address to send the clips in: [email protected]
(do not take advantage of this email and send unrelated emails)
Let's see if this can turn into something good for the community :)
-Cheers Fortune