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Would you buy Ace of Spades?

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Re: Would you buy Ace of Spades?

Postby AEM » Mon May 21, 2012 8:13 pm

DoomSplitter wrote:
AEM wrote:I'm pretty sure it's around $10, which is reasonable but a problem for me.

I will say this as many times as I need to until people understand it. If you can't buy it, then that's just too bad. We are living in a world where more and more games are being sold only through online transactions, and no developer is going to make his or her game free just because there are people that can't buy it. The game will sell. We may lose some players because of it, but that's just how economics work. If you can't find a way to buy it, then you can't have it, It's as simple as that.

Chill, no need to give examples. I know that and we are just talking about it. Good for you if you can buy it.
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Re: Would you buy Ace of Spades?

Postby DoomSplitter » Tue May 22, 2012 3:08 pm

I'm just tired of seeing people continue to repeat the same excuse for why ben shouldn't make it payed. "It should be free because I can't buy it" is not a valid excuse in the real world.
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Re: Would you buy Ace of Spades?

Postby AEM » Tue May 22, 2012 4:38 pm

I'm not saying it should be free, I'm not stopping him and thats how Ben earns his living and perfectly acceptable. I'm saying some people won't be able to afford it or get it and we'll lose a lot of players.
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AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby Defaulter » Thu May 24, 2012 2:00 am

Hey guys,

As you may be aware its been confirmed for a while now that AoS will one day be a pay'd game, you will have to pay to register an account and play the game,

^ Disscus.

Some of my thoughts:

I BELIEVE that there will be a free version of the game available, when it goes pay'd.


Simple really, ben has built up a player base that he does not want to damage, now he knows that a lot of people in the community will have trouble paying, or there will be a lot of delay in switching to pay'd for alot of people. He wont want to stall the engine of the community.

Therefore I'm thinking a free to play version will be released along side, most likely taking the form of: Cannot change username, can only join certain servers, cannot record stats b/c no account etc and other things that will make it a much better game to play IF YOU BUY IT.

It's also a smart marketing and money making technique, people wont be as tempted to pay for the game from only watching trailers etc, then if they get a taste of the action, and see what they are missing out on.

And then there's the fact that ben will not want to screw over the loyalty of the current players, maybe when forum registration comes out; because when p2p aos is released, they can see how had an account since a certain date in the past. And offer a discount or etc to those people.


Just a tired ramble typed out like a dyslexic tuna fish at 1am, enjoy :P

- DE
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby CraftDinur » Thu May 24, 2012 2:03 am

NOOOOOOOOO. i hate this idea mostly because i can't pay for anything.
if this game becomes P2P i will probably resign from everything and leave the face of AoS forever. i'll probably move to Tribes2 or just be that random kid lurking around the IRC forever.

the things that made me play this game were the crappy graphics and it being free and if i have to pay for the game it ruins everything for me.

just out of curiosity, does anyone know when exactly this may take place? i'd just like to prepare before the "apocolypse"
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby ChaosTLW » Thu May 24, 2012 2:06 am

If I don't get to pay this game, I will probably just go on with modding, maybe get a sidekick to test my mods in-game.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby IrishElf » Thu May 24, 2012 2:07 am

Eh, if Ben does a free version why not one that's a throwback one at the same time? He can kill two birds with one stone if he keeps the free version at like .54 or something.

That way, if you want the full experience you have to pay and you can occasionally switch it up and enjoy the old AoS after paying.

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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby Paratrooper » Thu May 24, 2012 2:09 am

I wish that Ben would just run advertisements for money.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby MrHaaaaaaxFF » Thu May 24, 2012 5:09 am

Why Ben no enable DONATING???
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby Gorman » Thu May 24, 2012 5:39 am

Every time I read the title I read "peer to peer" goddamnit.

Yeah I probs wouldn't play if it was pay to play, one time payment I would be ok with though.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby kmaj » Thu May 24, 2012 7:38 am

People who downloaded the game before 1.0 should be able to play it without paying.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby Varun » Thu May 24, 2012 11:38 am

I don't want non forumers seeing this so if you want, just quote it or something if you want to read. Below is what I have to say about Kmaj's suggestion.

^But there are a lot of people who have done that, who don't deserve it. Some people, if they find out, may just download it now, so that they can get it for free when it gets better.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby TheGrandmaster » Thu May 24, 2012 7:01 pm

The game you play currently shall be free. I imagine it will remain free up until AoS 1.0 (opengl) is released, at which point the voxlap version would remain free (and hopefully master server supported) while the updates are made on the OGL version and are paid.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby Danqazmlp » Thu May 24, 2012 7:35 pm

It all depends on the price. I can make no judgement until that time.
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Re: AoS P2P Disscusion

Postby Articsledder » Thu May 24, 2012 7:51 pm

I really don't care. AoS has been so fun for me I will pay for no matter how. I don't have access to buying stuff on the internet, but AoS is one of the rare cases where I will go out of the way to get my parents to allow me to Buy it.
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