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European Clans

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European Clans

Postby Reichhewer » Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:07 am

Hail fellow AoS fanatics.

I recently found myself on my usual server, only to find none of the regulars (Whom I would deem my friends on AoS) playing. It became apparent after spending quite some time by myself, all on my lonesome that perhaps I should apply for a clan or even more drastically, create my own... if I can't find a clan that suits my tastes.

It's quite hard to trawl through every single clan page due to the fact there are so many.

Hence why I created a topic, that will hopefully answer my call.

I'm looking for a European - English speaking clan.
Plain and simple.

I'd prefer if the clan wasn't too large that I don't know half the members.. but not to small so that there were only three of us :')

That's all really.
But for recruiters out there... here's something about myself:

- I play AoS casually, not religiously

- I'm quite mature, when needed.. but for the most part I'm quite laid back.

- I prefer working with a team, not on my own.

- I like to employ tactics in my games, if anyone is willing to co-operate.

- I enjoy building, so long as the structures are relevant i.e. a layered bunker... not a swastika.

- I prefer to use the SMG, however.. depending on my play-style, I may switch to shotgun. I only use the rifle, when needed.

- I also prefer WW2 themed maps or war themed maps. I.e. Omaha Beach or a ruined city... not a theme park.

And that's it really, PM me for more details.
Reply if you have any information, or know of what I'm looking for :D

Much love.
- Reichhewer
Invade - Destroy - Fortify - Rebuild

The phoenix may rise from the ashes,
Yet in my enemies ashes I nest and prepare...
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