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TPK and RS are going to combine clans to create 1 massive respectful clan of AOS, working in organisation and we need meeting with admins pls
Highest Kill streak:73 Largest feed:12 Most Kills:412 Most Time played in a day: 5 hours straight 360 No scope Acheived - In clan {MLG} CoMeaTmEBrO!
IRC link above ^ | <AGANCommanderCody> You really think we want a clan match against you guys, you Aimbotted last time and were GBLed on a canadian server for Hacking. <-- alart guys komrades delicious aimbot
I dont see how this is "AoS History" just putting it out there
* USAB ([email protected]) has joined #AoS * Q sets mode: +v USAB <+ReubenMcHawk> omg USAB you quit the BOOYO clan? <+USAB> wat * USAB is now known as USABxBOOYO