if your in charge of a small clan and want a sub section fast this might help you .
i thought we should have a bunch of clan matchs and call it a tournament .
this is mostly for small clans that have alot of members and have beatin alot of clans like SPQR . we have almost 50 members and have beatin a bunch of clans including the komrades . to get in on this great deal you must have 10 members
and have won atleat 2 clan matchs . how ever i need someone ig in the community to host this event ! if you manage to beat all of the clans and make it to the top you can get a sub fourm . the ranking will go by the clans with the most kills
. have the leader of your clan pm the host with your highest # of kills . agin only small clans with atleast 5 ta 10 members that have won atleast 2 clan matchs . we still need a host too so please if you wanna host just repley to this post . i thought of this when my clan was talking aabout clans to go agnest so hat we could show the admins that we arent just a small clan . well i think this will prove who is the greatist small clan of them all . happy gameing and may the odds ever be in your favor :)