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Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby USABxSLAYER » Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:17 pm

Let me alter my statement:

Worry about your members first, then worry about getting new members.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby Doctor » Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:39 pm

So if the activity has dropped in USAB ever since, why would a leader of USAB recommend closing recruitment if the results have been that bad..
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby USABxSLAYER » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:06 pm

Doctor wrote:So if the activity has dropped in USAB ever since, why would a leader of USAB recommend closing recruitment if the results have been that bad..

I'd rather not clog up a thread with personal chats, it is against the rules. If you wish to talk more I'm sure Booyo or I would be willing to talk for as long as you want if you PM one of us.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby Doctor » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:44 pm

Well it's not personal, as far as I knew we were discussing on closing recruitment, weren't we?
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby USABxSLAYER » Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:39 pm

As far as closing recruitment there are only select few times where it is to the clans advantage, but in those cases don't be afraid to do it.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby USABxBOOYO » Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:50 pm

We also did it as the result of kicking the last two people to join out. In my opinion, kicking people out doesn't look very good and the reason we had to do it was because our standards for recruitment had been vastly lowered considering we hadn't gotten any genuinely good applications in a long, long time.

Anyway, I plan to re-open recruitment when the opportunity presents itself, but it's not always something that you should do unless you plan on inviting large numbers of people.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby lolcano98789 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:42 am

Here's one:

Don't make the ranks too easy/too hard to rank up.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby CipherStorm » Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:00 am

If I could input a suggestion, try to stay away from asking for specific player stats ONLY on your applications, and maybe ask more about the applying person themselves (certain views, their reactions in-game to spamming, votekicks, personality traits, etc.). Of course, these stats (highest ratio, longest streak, best accuracy, etc.) could be easily made up and you could mistakenly accept a "n00b" six-year-old with no sense of respect and decency. Your clan could quickly fall into jeopardy and be viewed as a generally disrespectful or immature clan. Put simply, try to accept more responsible, mature gamers. Ask for more than a simple sentence in their response. Those who usually write a lot on their applications are more mature. Think about it, how much is there to write about your in-game stats. Read over it, and decide whether or not it is sincere. An MLG pro that might actually be an eight-year-old idiot won't help your clan grow and advance. A mature, understanding player is ten times better than a pro gamer with 43-kill streak.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby Tin » Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:22 pm

I don't think that your clan can fall apart because of few clan members that are immature. If your clan falls apart because you couldn't handle few bad member, then you are bad clan leader. I've had some bad members. When they start drama, try to handle it out, but if they insist, kick them. Clan's reputation grows step by step. Also, clans that grow too fast will most likely fall apart very fast.

And now about recruitment. Having too high expectations won't let you meet real side of recruits. Some of my recruits looked "immature", but later on they turned out to be very good members.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby Aeroclaw » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:55 pm

Here's one:
Just because one of your immature members is good at AoS doesn't mean you should hold back from kicking them because you want to be an MLG clan. Pun intended,MLG. PUN INTENDED.

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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby CipherStorm » Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:34 am

I agree Tin, it definitely could be the leader's fault, but accepting what may be an extremely troublesome member could take your mind away from other tasks regarding the clan. If you could accept and turn an immature six-year-old into an admin candidate, then mad props to you! But accepting too many people like that could put a bad reputation to your clan, as well as less focus on the tasks at hand. You wouldn't be able to handle things due the insane amount of problems that need to be fixed. Some of these "n00bs" are good people, I understand. But the majority are still very troublesome in the case of a growing clan.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby USABxBOOYO » Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:53 am

Accepting a ten year old rager hoping to turn them into a mature member is like when girls date drug addicts or alcoholics and hope to change them: it's not happening.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby Tin » Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:29 am

BOOYO, you are right, but there are good sides of most clan hoppers. Bad side is that they will ruin your reputation a bit, but there are also good sides while being a small clan. Clan hoppers are active members. They won't to prove they are good and then they go in-game, find you recruits, spread word about the clan, increase reply and give your clan a boost if you know how to handle this kind of clan hoppers. I had one (xF1avour) and he did ruin reputation a bit, but there were alot of other good things he did. He found me 5 super-active members, made great signatures, spread the word.

To make a conclusion out of this, clan hoppers have bad sides and good sides (if you know how to use them).
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby USABxBOOYO » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:13 pm

They also make your clan look like it's one of those clans that will accept any ten year old who can put together a sentence.
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Re: Why Clans FAIL and What YOU Can Do To Prevent That

Postby Tin » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:15 pm

Yes, that is the bad side.
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