Hey! My name is Lauren and my clan is
Sirens meaning the mythical woman, like the 'mermaids' in some movies, that lure the men wariors Into their death! They manipulate the people so they can take over!
This clan is NOT a girls-only clan! No way! I just liked the name!
1. As a member I will NOT be rude/mean to others
2. I will NOT be crazy or abuse the votekick
3. I will NOT hack! (ANYTHING)
4. I will NOT be in other clans! (NO CLAN HOPPING)
5. I will present myself as a fun person!
6. I will NOT EVER accept/decline/ kick ANYONE in the clan unless Lauren says!
7. I will be active and post once daily, if possible
8. I will be active on the IRC, if possible
9. I will not NOT grief anyone else's work unless told to!
If you break any of these rules you will get a warning (3 strikes YOU'RE OUT!)
How we came to be!
Well I was in [LS] for a time and I really wanted to become my own 'ledyr' as Kibblez would call it. I really felt like being my own person with my own clan would really be awesome! I got the name from my IGN name (LaurenTS) TS Being Tactical Sirens, but not at the time! When I realized that I wanted my own clan I was thinking hard on some names! I just couldn't think of a name! Then it hit me when I was in my classroom learning about mythological creatures. Sirens was one of the topics. I then took tactical and put 2 and 2 together! Thus TS being born!
We have 13 members!
To be an admin you have to show trust to show leadership, and be active. You have to have watch over almost everything. Although they don't have to see every detail, they have to know what is going on. They have to rule with a judging mind! Don't go easy! They get IRC op and Server op
To be a mod you have to be active and show that you have what it's got to become a powerful Siren. They have to know details and reply to some posts. They are NOT allowed to accept/decline/kick ANYONE!
Sirens have to be active and work as a unit. I will not accept any fights between two members or else you will have to talk to me. They have to be active EVERYDAY unless work or school etc. But at least try :P
To become a Silencer you will have to break one of the rules! After you have broken a rule (I WILL find out about it!) then you will be demoted from Siren to Silencer. The point of this position is to show people that are mean and rude to others to straighten up and become a mature Siren. After a couple of days of being nice then they will become a Siren again. Silencer cannot attend any upcoming matches (during that week) Or become any other role for 2 weeks. If you are an admin or mod then you will be demoted from your position and move down one role (admin to mod; mod to siren)
Do you think TS is a good clan? Then sign up!!
(at least 10 years old)
New IGN-
Favorite Gun(WHY)-
Time Zone-
Past Clans?(WHY you left)-
Will you be on aloha.pk servers?-
Why did you pick this clan to apply to?-
Tell us about yourself(say more than usual, we want to get to know you.)-
Sadly we have fake members D:
LINK: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=siren.Public&uio=d4
Here is the channel- #Siren.Public
We are currently trying to get a server, if you can help us with our problem, then please contact me through PM's
Here are some signatures made by Scopo/Paraphen/Nerofunk!
All Admins are strongly encouraged to have one of these! Anyone else may have one, not needed to though!
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Press 'quote' on this post. Don't actually reply to it, just remember where the one you are going to use is (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) then go to that place. Then you copy that link (it should start with [url=http://ace-of-spades/com/forums ) Then go to your PM's and press profile on the upper part. Then press signatures, and just paste the link in the box!!