Note: This forum is merely an archive. It is no longer possible to register or post. - StackOverflow New Ace of Spades Forums:
Join the Brotherhood Snipers! A new and upcoming small clan. NOW RECRUITING!!! Just search BHS on the forums page. Current Leaders: Benomatic0 (Founder-Rifleman) and STRIKEFORCE (Designer-Sub-Machine Gunner) This is a program that i want all BHS and any other members to have. It tells the user the members of the clan and some information!
Join the Brotherhood Snipers! A new and upcoming small clan. NOW RECRUITING!!! Just search BHS on the forums page. Current Leaders: Benomatic0 (Founder-Rifleman) and STRIKEFORCE (Designer-Sub-Machine Gunner)
Deathslayer, that is to make sure you have read the rules before applying
Join the Brotherhood Snipers! A new and upcoming small clan. NOW RECRUITING!!! Just search BHS on the forums page. Current Leaders: Benomatic0 (Founder-Rifleman) and STRIKEFORCE (Designer-Sub-Machine Gunner)
Name: Travis IGN: [^UWD^]Travisty New IGN: [^UWD^]Trav{BHS} Country: Australia Do You Accept The Rules?: Yes Timezone: +10 GMT Main Server(s): STOOGE GAMERS - AUSTRALIA Gender: Male Favourite Weapon(s): Rifle, SMG Age:13 Why I want to join: The owner of BHS told me to (I forgot his name :P)
^^^Click to go to my clan page^^^ IGN: [^UWD^]Travisty
Last edited by STRIKEFORCE081 on Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Join the Brotherhood Snipers! A new and upcoming small clan. NOW RECRUITING!!! Just search BHS on the forums page. Current Leaders: Benomatic0 (Founder-Rifleman) and STRIKEFORCE (Designer-Sub-Machine Gunner)
Bioblade to Lieutenant please he got lots of kills today.
Join the Brotherhood Snipers! A new and upcoming small clan. NOW RECRUITING!!! Just search BHS on the forums page. Current Leaders: Benomatic0 (Founder-Rifleman) and STRIKEFORCE (Designer-Sub-Machine Gunner)
You were banned because of two reasons... 1. You were bragging. Calling yourself the best AOS player in Austraila. And because you say that, your not the best player. In this clan we want people to have skill and respect of other players. 2. You spammed... we don't accept that in this clan.
Because of these reasons u have been Banned Don't even think about coming back. You have just pushed it
I was able to celabrate. Because I finnaly got 250+ kills :D
You were also banned because you are a clan hopper. You have applied for many clans, and kept changing. We do not want clan hoppers, because they are not dedicated to their clan.
Name:risheb IGN:predator New IGN:[bhs]predator Country:India Do You Accept The Rules?:yes Timezone:Indian Standard Time Main Server(s):Minit us-assault Gender:male Favourite Weapon(s)rifle Age:13 Why I want to join: I want to join because i have never been in a clan ,so i want to know how a clan works.I want to join this clan because i like the rules.Especially the Kangaroo part XD.:)
PENDING We are currently deciding either to let you in or not. In the meanwhile thanks for having a go at joining our clan! We will let you know as soon as possible if you are in or not. - War
I was able to celabrate. Because I finnaly got 250+ kills :D