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The Anatomy of a Successful Application

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The Anatomy of a Successful Application

Postby Pavel » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:59 am

The Anatomy of a Successful Application

So, you want to apply to the Komrades clan. Before you start posting, get in your lane and do a gut check: first impressions are vital. Russians do not forget easily except when they drink vodka. And we do not drink vodka--unless it is Saturday night.

Here's how to successfully impress a Komrade admin:

1. Be mature
Maturity is an elusive quality which is difficult to gauge in an online application. The best way to demonstrate your superior initiative and ability is to use proper English grammar, especially in your application and first communications with the Komrade clan.

Bad application:

hi can i join komrade? i kill a lot my max is 900! kto polak? i burn your couch down

Here is an exemplary application (lifted from Venom's application):

Your clan embodies a great deal of honor and respect both of which I conduct day after day, I have seen the skill that your members demonstrate and withhold throughout the time that I have spent on your server which Is why am I applying to join your clan.

I wish to incorporate my skills into the clan as I feel it will benefit you as much as it will benefit me, I have a lot of experience with programs such as Photoshop and cinema 4d as of yet I am still getting to grips with slab6 and making my own sights on Photoshop but I believe I am learning at a more than steady pace, this is without the fact that I have a pretty good track record for fps games such as, BF2 - 3 & cod4 - 8 and I have been in many clans affiliated with these title's such as the "Army of Darkness" and "Console Army".

I conduct myself with the best attitude possible and I keep my cool in most situations, my objective is not to get caught up in any unnecessary drama or "flame wars"/cursing etc as I do not wish to damage the image that this clan upholds.

Thanks for your time, Nick.

2. Be honest
A photoshopped application will not only get you a swift kick out the door, it will lock the door. Such dishonesty demonstrates a lack of maturity which will not fade easily in our memories (remember, we don't drink vodka!).

3. Attention to Detail
Follow the application template to the letter. If it asks for a picture, provide it. This should be obvious. Summarize your skills or capabilities.

4. Prior Contact
Talking with the Komrades on the IRC is without question the best way to demonstrate your competence (or lack thereof). Go to Channel: #Komrade
Admins are generally active around 2400-0300 UTC. Alternatively, go to and scroll down a little for a shortcut (no IRC client required). Remember, we cannot fully accept you until you are seen active on the IRC.

Thanks to Korakoff for his editing and suggestions
[18:05:37] <+mikuli> i'll never get over the fact that Doc is ex Bi
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Re: The Anatomy of a Successful Application

Postby Cytomek » Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:01 am

Perfect example :D
Amateurs practice so they get it right.
Pros practice so they can't get it wrong.
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Re: The Anatomy of a Successful Application

Postby KomradeKorakoff » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:05 am

*Also, note that I have personally given Pavel the power to accept, deny, and advise applicants.

IRC link above ^ | <AGANCommanderCody> You really think we want a clan match against you guys, you Aimbotted last time and were GBLed on a canadian server for Hacking. <-- alart guys komrades delicious aimbot
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