In Game Name:
TimeZone(In GMT):
GMT -5 also known as Eastern Standard Time
Are you willing to play on servers?
Yes, are the only servers I play on, unless of course I'm 1v1ing etc.
What type of player are you(sniper, rusher, camper, etc.),And what other strategies do you use to win against others?
Love being a sniper, I also do prefer to go and rush, I do not like to use teammates as "bait" then take a kill, I prefer to use them as an actual team. I don't mind smg or shotgun, but I find them more as secondary weapons, meaning anything they do, you can do with rifle. I also dread camping, but I do get accused a lot for camping. For example: I'll be walking along, I see someone's head off in the distance, I crouch for maybe half a second, take and shot and kill, now I have raging and accusations coming at me from that person. And one other thing, if necessary, I'll be more then happy to take a bullet for my team or clan if it means they have a chance of getting the intel or winning the arena round.
What is your preferred weapon and type of map?
Rifle definently, and although I do like long range maps, I am quite adaptable, so I'm good with any map that's chosen, that is once I can play it for a bit if it's new to me.
Tell us more about yourself and why you are interested in SAW(Give at least over 120 words):
Well when I originally joined Ace of Spades and Aloha, the first thing that really stood out to me were the clans, but not any clan, TSB to be exact. I found TSB to be the most professional over almost all the others. So I had been monitoring the clan as a whole, reading through all the past topics they had posted as well as the regualtions for joining. I was not exactly sure about joining though as I hadn’t seen a lot of the members together in-game and I wanted an active clan, but within 2 days later at least 6 were on at once. So at that time, I played for a while then I noticed how much they were rapi...dominating their opponent, and that showed me that this is a good clan as they do have teamwork as well as beyond basic aiming/tactic skills. So I have been working for a while in raising my skills, and I feel that i am ready for a tryout in SAW. I’ve played with a lot of you, if you remember or not(I’m usually on the quiet side and miss the chat while playing). So hopefully you’ll consider this as a good application worthy of trial. Thank you.
Past Clans (Explain why you left the previous clans,Leave blank if this is your first time applying for a clan):
None, I do realise it says to leave blank, but I had to say that the fact that I don't have any past clans can be better, you get to learn to work with people that you may or may not get along with, and it also teaches you to take care of your team if they're new or are cornered etc.
How would you rate yourself in skill level (from 1-10)
I would say about a 9 but that's probably pushing it, when considering the rest of the clan, so I'd rather not rate myself but let you all do that.
Any screenshots of you having a high KDR with decent accuracy (Optional,but Improves your chances of joining)
Sadly I only have one, I could have gotten more, but I forgot to do it :s
If accepted,Will you agree to follow our rules (Including staying active in forums and our IRC channel): Yes, I'm already on the IRC and Teamspeak daily or try to be.
Thank you for reading this, and I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors that may be present.