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New Ace of Spades Forums:

SG Tournament

Competitive mindsets and outstanding abilities are what separate us from most other clans. We pride ourselves in upholding a higher level of integrity and values most often neglected in the online world. We are a tight community of pro players who assist each other, perfecting our tactics for fun, friendship and most importantly, for the love of the game.

SG Tournament

Postby ahorriblesmel » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:57 am

Hey guys, you probably don't know but Stooge Gamers are hosting a clan tournament on their server.
I was wondering if anyone wants to join up as Team SAW to show other clans what we're made of!

If you want to play, please make a reply to this stating your IGN.

I hope we can put together a team to enter!
Thanks - aBadSmell

Here is some info on the tournament:

The Format:
- The maps will consist of the following:

1st set of clan battles: (map yet to be decided probably pinpoint or isleofwar)

2nd set of clan battles: AWP_India

3rd and final set of battles: Facing worlds CTF

-First team to capture 10 flags wins and they will move onto the next stage


- Each match will consist of five players from both clans.

- No hacking, Glitching, being abusive and unsportsmanlike behaviour.

- No custom skins

- No medpacks, Airstrikes or Squads enabled.

- You MUST record your game play using desktop recording software. eg. Fraps or CamStudio and when an admin asks for the recording you must provide it. (we will only request it if we suspect you were hacking) Failure to provide it will result in a penalty. A tutorial will be made later to explain how to use camstudio.
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Re: SG Tournament

Postby YourMom » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:13 pm

Seems legit. This one's up to Eddie
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