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Voxlap on other platforms

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Re: Voxlap on other platforms

Postby Ericson2314 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:11 am

Oh, well my version compiles fine with MSVC (some of the assembly I removed for gcc introduces some glitches but that can easily be rolled back without sacrifising MSVC compilability).

Edit2: This revision is the first where Slab6 compiles and before I made other changes. You can compare his code to this if you like.

That being said I would still love to look at his work, (perhaps he made other enhancemences?) or just too see and perhaps learn from different solution to compiling errors.

Edit: looking at his thread it does seem he either added or plans to add new features, so it would definitely be helpfull to work with him so we don't have two different unmergable forks.

Anyways, the next step for me is to make winmain.cpp (the DirectX verision) compile with mingw on windows. Untill I do that, I have no way of knowing whether the black screen i get with an SDL+gcc compile is my fault or gcc's. This will have the added bonus of making Slab6 also compile with gcc (but still with the DirectX dependancy).
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Re: Voxlap on other platforms

Postby Ericson2314 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:41 pm

Ok, well winmain had more inline assembly than sdlmain, so I instead ported sdlmain to compile with MSVC. It was a bit buggy (perhaps due to some changes i haven't committed) but I didn't have the black screen issue. This proves that sdlmain is fully function and there must just be some idiosyncrasy in voxlap5 that makes it compile incorrectly with GCC.
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Re: Voxlap on other platforms

Postby Ericson2314 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:37 pm

Just wanted to let everbody know that FaultCheck has kindly let me include his Slab6 changes in my repository. His version is temporally in it's own branch, "faultcheck" for now. But upon further testing I will incorporate those changes into the main branch.
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Re: Voxlap on other platforms

Postby HoboHob » Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:30 pm

All your posts are in this topic :)

Just thought I would point that out.

This is really cool. I have always wanted to use Voxlap for some projects of mine but it never worked with MinGW.
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Re: Voxlap on other platforms

Postby FaultCheck » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:06 pm

Ericson2314 wrote:Just wanted to let everbody know that FaultCheck has kindly let me include his Slab6 changes in my repository. His version is temporally in it's own branch, "faultcheck" for now. But upon further testing I will incorporate those changes into the main branch.

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