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Saddest Deaths In Gaming

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Re: Saddest Deaths In Gaming

Postby HaloWarLord711 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:32 pm

Varun wrote:
HaloWarLord711 wrote:I was so pissed when they killed John, I really wanted to kill that government fucker with the mustache and the hat

So glad when I finally got to :D


I loved that. I purposely saved before it, just so I could do it again. Just a random piece of info, I killed the ducks he was shooting at, and I got the killed all animals achievement, whose name I've forgotten. Too bad you don't get to like Jack, since its basically the only mission where you get to see a bit of emotion. I think they should have extended the quest for him.

I killed his wife and bro FYI. Cruel, I know :P

XD I know I cleared the entire area of anything that moved, then I shot his body into the lake

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Re: Saddest Deaths In Gaming

Postby demo123 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:25 pm


Persona 3, Shinjiro Aragaki's death. ... re=related

(now I want to play Persona 3 again you fool)
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