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Mine is, if I'm not mistaken, an Advanced Radiation Suit from FNV, with a Russian flag :3
#1 most active member
We are here because the Universe offers conditions so life can evolve,to the point where(at least one)species,in a small planet around a star lost between millions of galaxies,is able to ask itself:What was my origin? (M. Gleiser)
CommanderCody wrote:Nice, do you play on the goodhaven server?
I didn't knew they had a server, I'm going to check it out later.
btw, zeke, where did you get that pic? :c
#1 most active member
We are here because the Universe offers conditions so life can evolve,to the point where(at least one)species,in a small planet around a star lost between millions of galaxies,is able to ask itself:What was my origin? (M. Gleiser)
Yea, where was that pic from, and btw,Chaos post your skin too!
The IP of goonhaven server (which not many people play on cause of griefers and the admins playing with explosives near theyre houses) is
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