I really suck when it comes to the whole emotional leaving thing so I'll keep this short and simple. I'm not leaving for any specific reason other than "I don't play the game, don't like the game and don't contribute anything to the community". So yeah take this with a grain of salt but I feel it would be unfair for me to leave without saying anything. Will I ever come back? Maybe. Probably not. We'll see I guess. Oh and i'll still be in LDR, just less active :[. Anyways its been fun and you guys are awesome. Oh and if you find a unicorn or ever need to contact me add me on Steam. My username is Ceinazze. Bye guys :(
Love, Daniella.
Ps. Oh and I'll be here until I fall asleep so I'll respond to replies and such.
Pps. I say "Oh and" a lot. I probably should've made a rough draft.