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Until next summer, guys.

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Until next summer, guys.

Postby SRL » Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:30 pm

Cody, first of all, let me tell you to NOT beat yourself up over one of your members resigning. It has very little to do with you. The only bone I have to pick with you is that you've been accepting everybody who applies on the AGAN recruitment thread, even when they were flukes. I don't run the clan, but I don't think you should be accepting just anyone.

Second of all, I've been teased by [NAME CENSORED BY POSTER], no less, about having multiple clantags in my IGN. I seriously didn't appreciate it, and I've been thinking lately that my killcount in game has been going down. Since AGAN seems to hold high expectations, I've ultimately decided to quit while I'm ahead, because this clan seems a bit "MLG PR0" for me.

Finally, even if I didn't want to quit {AGAN}, I still have school coming up on the 22nd of August. I may be on occasionally, if homework permits. I will also come back over Winter break, and of course I'll be back next summer.

On August 21st, I will be on Intel RPG for a while. Come see me if you want.

Seeya around.


EDIT: I am no longer leaving {AGAN}.
Last edited by SRL on Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Until next summer, guys.

Postby PyroPlunger » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:36 am

Enjoy your break. I hope you do well in school. :)
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