Hi, I'm Conduit.
I'm just another face in the crowd who's gonna be AFK for a long time and after that times done I'm most likely not to be on much with school and orchestra band, and of course my job. While I did get into '' uncalled for '' trouble cuz of some noob on my ip address, that's not the point.
So, besides all the stupid Drama and intellectually challenged narcissistic coccydynia jerkwards, I found my time pretty fun on here( The forums ). In the first place, the real reason why I made an account was Kodiak and Eden, when they lead Enclave( Great times, great times.). And so without them I wouldn't have made an account today so thank you both.
So while I was on the forums I really didn't contribute much in anyway. I suck at graphics and photo editing, I'm real bad at leading a clan, I find it easy to make people mad so I'm not that much of a people person, and my modifications are meh.
So with my last breath I wanna say thanks to some good people I've met:
ValkyriiKing: From day one I thought of us to be pretty good friends and I still do, even though you like Final Fantasy.
Wewt:A jerkward who didn't like any of my ideas. Heheheh.
f0x: You AFK Frenchy, URRGH. Even though you have a huge ego and insult me with words that my puny mind can't comprehend your my best friend on this game. <3
20,6,5 - 7,5,5,11 - 26,5,11,5 ( I've decided to place this fellas name in code so they can figure it out ): Thanks for all the mod support and feedback, it was a world of help for me in the end your pretty cool.
And that's it, later gators.