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The Murderous Intent Clan Information & Roster

An organized, Squad Based style clan that doesn't let anyone get in their way. Organization and strategy is the key to success, instead of everyone-for-themselves chaos. We will help you get better in-game and will also be friendly and encouraging in-forum.

The Murderous Intent Clan Information & Roster

Postby johny1234567 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:50 am

We are the Murderous Intent Clan otherwise known as the 7 Court Guards
An organized, Squad Based style clan that doesn't let anyone get in their way. Organization and strategy is the key to success, instead of everyone-for-themselves chaos. We will help you get better in-game and will also be friendly and encouraging in-forum.

Our squad's major rank are the Captains and Lieutenants whereas 3rd seat to 5th seat are based on the lower number being higher in rank. The academy is where all recruits starts off to ensure fairness. Seats 6th to 10th are all initiates rank and are all the same. Our squads originated for the purpose of strategy and organization in game instead of chaos through the battlefield. Overall we are equal, we treat each other with respect and kindness, organization is the key to success.

The academy is where all new recruits start off, they have to prove themselves either with pics, vids or in-game

6th Seat-10 Seat
Seats 6th to 10th are initiates rank and are members who have passed the academy

3rd Seat-5th Seat
Seats 3rd to 5th are pretty good members of the squad.

Lieutenants are the second-in-command of the squad. They are second in rank to the Captains, Lieutenants are allowed to attend the Council

Captains are the most advancced and organized member of the squad and are chosen for that particular reason. Captains have the right to attend the Council where important decisions are made.

Member List
-[MI]Wh1te Kn1ght
-[MI]FlyingBison {Formerly Jacob B1}
-[MI]Commander Cody
-[MI] Alpha (Formerly {MI] the elephant}
-[MI] LorD BrumD

Inactive List

Generally inactive people will be moved in here, doesn't matter if you post once a month saying you're not dead, if you spend a week in here you will be kicked out of the clan. You will be likewise kicked if you get moved to this section of the clan two times.

No Longer With Us
- Limited Wiki

Important Rules

- Respect each member as you would with any other
- Do not act like a jerk
- Abusing rights will result in permaban

Q:How do I rank up?
A:If you feel as though you have been <rank> forever, feel free to ask the commander general to organize a time to oversee your skills to see if you can rank up or you can just send me a pic of kills and kill streaks or a vid of your intel captures. You need certain Requirements to rank up.
-----Check out this page

Q:Why Aren't I Accepted?
A:As much as we would like to accept everybody, we probably didn't accept you because your in more than 1 clan, you didn't meet the requirements for the clan, you're rude or we just didn't like you personally.

Q:How do i Join?
A:To join make sure you meet our requirements and apply at this page Make sure you post a descriptive application to make a first impression and don't forget to read the description.

Q:What Does MI Stand For?
A:MI stands for the Murderous Intent Clan but we are otherwise known as the 7 Court Guards.

Q:I Have a Problem or Complaint, Where do I Go?
A:You can PM me whatever's on your mind.

Q:Why am I in the Inactive List, What do I do to Avoid the Consequences?
A:If you have been put in the Inactive List, It's most likely you haven't interacted with the clan over a month. If you have been put on the Inactive list for over a week, you will be kicked out of our clan. To avoid this, just post once in a while. If your on holidays we have a special section where you can say how long your inactive and why.
Do YOU have what it takes to be part of the Murderous Intent Clan----->Apply now in the Recruiting Thread!
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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:13 pm

Re: The Murderous Intent Clan Information & Roster

Postby hahahalolXD » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:07 am

We moved ?!?!?!
Im an assasin. Every assasin's dream is to assasinate as fast as they can. Assasins can kill you swiftly like me, well in game at least.
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Re: The Murderous Intent Clan Information & Roster

Postby johny1234567 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:16 am

hahahalolXD wrote:We moved ?!?!?!

Btw I deleted the mod post becaz i don't want anyone else stealing the mods but i posted them in our own forums.
Do YOU have what it takes to be part of the Murderous Intent Clan----->Apply now in the Recruiting Thread!
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Posts: 219
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