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A new set of Forum Rules

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Re: A new set of Forum Rules

Postby Gorman » Thu May 03, 2012 9:12 pm

What's with rule 3n and 3e by the way. What's so bad about short posts? Even if a post is 1000 words it could still be useless.
Even if a post is 3 letters it could be very good.

Why are chatty posts discouraged? In clans and such this seems completley fine to me - obviously chatty posts in suggestions for example, would not be so great, but that is covered in offtopic posts.
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Re: A new set of Forum Rules

Postby Fluttershy » Thu May 03, 2012 9:28 pm

Gorman wrote:What's with rule 3n and 3e by the way. What's so bad about short posts? Even if a post is 1000 words it could still be useless.
Even if a post is 3 letters it could be very good.

Oh how times change.

Gorman wrote: On the same note cut out the "+1" and "I approve" posts, I just read a thread that had 5 or 6 in a row. Posts like that are a waste of space, if you like an idea then explain why, the mind reading pluggin has been removed so we have to resort to typing messages - SO DO IT.

You yourself said why those kinds of posts are unneeded.
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Re: A new set of Forum Rules

Postby Gorman » Sat May 05, 2012 6:26 pm

Well I am saying different things in both of those quotes aren't I?

In the first quote I said that arbitrarily ruling that all posts above 10 chars is useful, and any post under 10 chars is not useful is BAD.

In the second quote I say that "+1" or "I approve" posts are BAD.

There are plenty of other kinds of posts under 10 chars, and there are plenty of ways to say "+1" in more than 10 characters.
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Re: A new set of Forum Rules

Postby Fluttershy » Sun May 06, 2012 5:19 am

Gorman wrote:Well I am saying different things in both of those quotes aren't I?

That would be the point, yes.

Gorman wrote:There are plenty of other kinds of posts under 10 chars, and there are plenty of ways to say "+1" in more than 10 characters.

The phrase "I support" has 7 characters, 8 if spaces are included. The 10 character minimum is meant mostly to cut down on the posts that contain whats essentially spam, which is something you once asked for a stop to. They never said that all posts were golden and the best thing ever if they had more than 10 letters, they simply said not to do shit like "+1 (10 charlimit)". Its meant to have people explain their reasoning at least slightly like "No, I dont support this because..." rather than saying "no", which doesnt help at all.
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Re: A new set of Forum Rules

Postby Paratrooper » Sun May 06, 2012 5:53 am

I think the 10-letter limit is there to so that users would be forced to make longer, more valuable posts than a concise "Yes" and "Support". This is very notable in the Suggestions subforum, as it somewhat forces the poster to add supporting details to his or her post, even though the details are also short. Sad that this system rarely works, posters would usually just post a set of dots or a bunch of random gibberish after the post to meet the character limit.

This system is also useless in certain forums, notably the "Forum Games". Maybe disable the 10-character limit for certain subforums?
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