Note: This forum is merely an archive. It is no longer possible to register or post. - StackOverflow New Ace of Spades Forums:
Created over half a year ago, Delta Force is a fun, community-oriented and mature clan built towards Ace of Spades in all of its aspects, whether it be chilling with clan-mates or owning it up on the battlefield. We are directed by FaZe and Trollolz; two leaders with vision, and the ability to take into account the opinions of everyone in order to improve the clan in any way possible. Our new & improved policies no longer focus so much on being good at the game, but rather the social experiences of being with a group of friends that you can rely on and have fun with.
Since this is something that's not random and quite important, I'll use the color BLUE! I believe the Promotion now is quite hard. What do we really need to do? What do we focus on? Recruiting? Being Active? Being Mature? Helping? What??? I've gotten the idea of JOBS(yes, even before you NIASKA :P... still, thanks for reminding me) Now what? Who cares if you've gotten the idea RD? Hold on there! wait! ok... Here are the JOBS:
Recruiter - recruits others Recruit Helper - helps new recruits and may be asked certain questions. Modder - decent in modding, mods must be game wise and at the same time must look awesome *ehemZaPhobosehem* Hoster - hosts Official Clan Server(s) Photo Editors - makes official clan signatures/avatars/splashes Map Maker - (use common sense here) News Reporter - observes the clan and shares observation/important events/updates every 2 weeks Suggester - that's me! - suggests stuff helpful to the clan
This isn't official yet so... you may still suggest other things related to Jobs. Should there be additional Jobs? Jobs in game? just post 'em