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How To be Taken Seriously

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How To be Taken Seriously

Postby Defaulter » Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:48 am

Hey guys,

Just a little advice on how to structure your suggestion, hopefully so people will take it more seriously,

1) BEFORE you post your suggestion, CHECK that it doesn't already exist...

We have a search function to aid with this.


2) Make your title clear and relevant!

BAD example: "This would be cool"

GOOD example: "Ability to centre text"


3) TRY to use good spelling and grammar! :D

I know its not always going to be perfect, but maybe try writing it out in Microsoft word first? and correcting the mistakes before posting. Or use Google chrome!

Why is this important, well...A lot of people if they see a ton of error's in the OP tend to capitalise on these, and ignore the actual subject of the thread, or just take the OP less seriously. Which is not something you want!


4) STRUCTURE your thoughts!

If you have an idea, you want to make is as comprehensive as possible. When posting try to include...

- A brief explanation of the idea (intro)

- A more in depth explanation

- How it would benefit the community/game

- Possible draw backs

Here is a good example of this - viewtopic.php?f=10&t=9370


And lastly be PREPARED to answer questions, engage in debates regarding your suggestion etc.



Thanks for reading,

Please bear in mind this thread is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions to make regarding this thread. Don't hesitate to post and let me know :]

- DE
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Bastion Warden
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