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The Herobrine of AoS

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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Priok » Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:26 am

was that really it ? I thought it had some other name, like Bot1 or something
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby PapaKhan » Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:33 am

You might be thinking of Lexysm's ServerBot, which could run a server and moderate itself.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Snowy » Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:48 am

Could be...who knows if?
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Frostified » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:41 am

PapaKhan wrote:You might be thinking of Lexysm's ServerBot, which could run a server and moderate itself.

I hated that bot, break one block and you get kicked for 'griefing'.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Snowy » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:16 am

XD Same. :/
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby demo123 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:39 pm

I tell you its Xom.He should be hunted and then if he is found he should be killed.He only appeared on Shams Little pony during the time that this game was 0.70.Every body told me to respect him and he will leave me alone.

Thats why i always look for this sentence."Xom drew a card out of his deck.Its tomb." or "Someone stole a card out of Xoms deck and he suspects you." or "You are not a Xoms plaything anymore"

Now he aint a bot or something.
One day i was playing on shams little pony server.Xom came and drew a card that sends you to the bottom of the map.Luckly someone killed me before i fell in the hole.

I said:"Haha you missed Xom"
Then he replied:"Darn.I wont miss next time"

Since then i wonder when will he strike again.

Plus all the messages that appear in kill-feed are red.

PS:He is the first guy that made me rage in this game.
Last edited by demo123 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Snowy » Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:40 pm

That just happened to me ._.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby WtfDog » Wed May 30, 2012 5:25 pm

Frostified wrote:Dear lord, I thought I was the only one, I thought I was going mad.
What you are about to read is a true story:
One day, I was playing on gen map, back in 0.49. It was probably the tenth time I had ever played Ace Of Spades, I decided to try something I had never tried before whilst in-game, I wanted to dig down as far as I could, like you do in minecraft.
I decided to choose the coordinate B4 as my digging point (I thought of B4s, so I dug there). I checked that no greens were around to snipe me, and that no blues would sneak up and dig me in. Thus, my quest to dig down as far as I could began. I can't remember exactly, but it must've been four hours or something I had been digging down for, block after block, my pickaxe connecting with every single one. After a while, I started to get hungry, so I wanted to go and grab a sandwich after all my long digging. Just as I was about to leave my computer, I heard the sound of a block being put down. Thinking it was some stupid deuce who was having a laugh by sealing up my route, I looked up... and what I saw was unbelieveable. The sky/fog above me had gone completely black, I thought it was some kind of glitch, so I carried on. Then, all the players on the server suddenly disconnected (There were about 32) I thought this was very strange, so I minimized my client and checked the play page.
I looked at the servers infomation and it said:
Server name: ... Player Count: 13/1 Ping: 666
After looking at the numbers 13 and 666, I kinda freaked out because those numbers are unlucky numbers.
Nevertheless, I went back to digging. I re-opened my client. For some reason though, I had ended up being teleported to some weird place on the gen map, it was completely black, the ground and the sky. I checked the player list... there were two players currently connected to the game. Me, and some other guy. His name was listed as '13'.
Puzzled, I typed into the chat: "Hey, you there!" "Do you have any clue what going on"?
13 replied with: 1....1.....1......1....1....1...
I said: Derp, that's a weird response. I'm not in the mood for trolling atm. Could you tell me if the master server is down?
13 then said: 3.....3.....3.....3....3...3...
Me: As much as I hate to say this, but your creeping me out. And it's in a video game. Which is just awkward.
This time, I got no reply from 13. So I decided to just quit AoS. Strangely though, when I tried pressing escape, nothing happend, I then tried minimizing, nothing happend, I tried turning off my computer (both on the power button and the wall socket) and guess what? Nothing happend.
Since I couldn't do anything, I tried moving around this weird, black room. But with every step I took, 13 would reply with some strange comment:
*Step 1*
13: There was darnkess, so much darkness, like a dread cloak all about me........but suddenly there is light, it burns my eyes, the heavy cold steel of the rifle is heavy in my hands...
*Step 2*
13: "Move! mooove!" he said.... Tracer fire ereupts all about us
*Step 3*
13: Why do I feel so cold?
*Step 4*
13: "We must protect it... They can never have it" he said...
*Step 5*
13: But I want it... for us... Only we can have it...
*Step 6*
13: We must steal it... betray them...
*Step 7*
13: But I don't want to hurt them...
*Step 8*
13: You must....
*Step 9*
13: We must...
*Step 10*
13: They're coming, they going to take it...
*Step 11*
13: I can't let....
*Step 12*
13: ...Stop
*Step 13*
13: YOU

Suddenly, my client freaked out, it was shaking and spinning and fuzzing. Odd noises could be heard, bullet sounds mixed with static.
Then, I was upside down, my player model was looking directly down onto another player. That player then moved his head up to look directly at mine. I'll never forget his face:
(Re-representation in Slab6)
Then his eyes (or whatever they were) emitted a bright red flash. The next thing I know, my computer has turned off, including the monitor.

I thought this was just some dodgy virus that was on my computer, so I dissmissed it.
A few things that I find strange though:
My entire Ace Of Spades folder had been deleted
Mcafee didn't pick up anything
And when I ever my FPS drops (so that the screen lags etc.) There always seem to be a player on the player list with no name, just the ID #13....

I hope you enjoyed that short story, maybe this will turn into a meme! :D Credit to DE for some help on lines.

Do you have tried to pull out the plug?
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby demo123 » Wed May 30, 2012 6:03 pm


A true Herobrine of AoS is Xom.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby WtfDog » Wed May 30, 2012 7:15 pm

demo123 wrote:FAKE FAKE FAKE

A true Herobrine of AoS is Xom.

How xom looks like,and can i help you to hunt him?
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby ElFizbanio » Wed May 30, 2012 7:22 pm

Xom looks like Hompy's grandad
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby demo123 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:07 pm

ElFizbanio wrote:Xom looks like Hompy's grandad

Yeah. Exactly like that(no sarcasm).
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Stiivais » Thu May 31, 2012 6:54 pm

Well kids, do you want to hear something really scary?
It is about a hack, but it is not like the others: aimbots, esp hacks, ammo hacks.
No, those hacks actually help you, but this hack... Let's just say that it is Ben's wet dream,
which would free the game from hackers.
When you download it, the game starts as usual but you are presented with a nice menu,
aimbot, esp, fly, remove fog and the usual things. It appears to be working first, but it is just an illusion.
It only shows you that you have 100 ammo, while it does not affect server, making your weapons shoot bullets that dont register. But that is just the beginning. What it really does will make every gamer shout insults in rage.
It makes your game lag.
This might sound like a simple thing, but it is not. It instantly boosts your ping up to 10000 and does not allow it to decrease. Even worse, the executable includes a FUD trojan, which logs your IP to the "creator's server" and whenever you connect to a game, it transmits you the injector through the network protocol AoS uses. Every single time.
There are some who say that the hack can read your IGN and log it, so that it affects any computer which uses your IGN, but none of this has been proven. Up until i got a copy of a nicely looking "multihack for AoS .75".
How wrong was i... Now i cannot even play normally.

Some say that the hack is made by Ben to prevent hacking, some claim that aliens are involved - you know, the usual contrasts in opinion we get here. But this is not a tale. Let me tell you, that you could open the lag injector any day with any file - may it be learn_more's mod loader, or even a new version of spadille, god forbid you try any of the hacks...

Don't believe me?
See for yourselves.
lag injector png.7z
(141.78 KiB) Downloaded 195 times
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby demo123 » Thu May 31, 2012 7:03 pm

Stiivais wrote:Well kids, do you want to hear something really scary?
It is about a hack, but it is not like the others: aimbots, esp hacks, ammo hacks.
No, those hacks actually help you, but this hack... Let's just say that it is Ben's wet dream,
which would free the game from hackers.
When you download it, the game starts as usual but you are presented with a nice menu,
aimbot, esp, fly, remove fog and the usual things. It appears to be working first, but it is just an illusion.
It only shows you that you have 100 ammo, while it does not affect server, making your weapons shoot bullets that dont register. But that is just the beginning. What it really does will make every gamer shout insults in rage.
It makes your game lag.
This might sound like a simple thing, but it is not. It instantly boosts your ping up to 10000 and does not allow it to decrease. Even worse, the executable includes a FUD trojan, which logs your IP to the "creator's server" and whenever you connect to a game, it transmits you the injector through the network protocol AoS uses. Every single time.
There are some who say that the hack can read your IGN and log it, so that it affects any computer which uses your IGN, but none of this has been proven. Up until i got a copy of a nicely looking "multihack for AoS .75".
How wrong was i... Now i cannot even play normally.

Some say that the hack is made by Ben to prevent hacking, some claim that aliens are involved - you know, the usual contrasts in opinion we get here. But this is not a tale. Let me tell you, that you could open the lag injector any day with any file - may it be learn_more's mod loader, or even a new version of spadille, god forbid you try any of the hacks...

Don't believe me?
See for yourselves.

Two reasons i dont want to see it for myselve.
1: You said that it will inject a Trojan(im still on the defensive after its last assault).
2: Im not a hacker.

Edit: Is that me in the picture. I mean is that me in the player list.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Stiivais » Thu May 31, 2012 7:08 pm

Well, is that your IGN?
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