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IRC/Mumble/Mods and clan help


Postby Defaulter » Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:43 pm

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NOTE: If you wish to join #TheBastion PLEASE ensure you either have a forum account or vouchers, so we can verify your identity. If you are looking to join you will NOT be accepted without a forum account either.


    - Joining IRC
    - Basic Functions
    - Getting Authed
    - Some useful chans
    - Setting Up Your Own Chan
    - Clients

Joining IRC

First of all PLEASE read this: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=10372

To join #AoS (The official Ace Of Space IRC chan) click the following link -

Or alternatively, go to this websites home page > Links tab > Offical AoS IRC

Firstly enter a username of your choosing (Try not to use anything offensive/distasteful) Then hit enter, or click "Join Chat" You should be confronted with a loading statues page, and once connected to the Quakenet server you will auto join #aos.

Before saying anything, you really should read this - viewtopic.php?f=84&t=10372

On the right hand side of the IRC page, you will see a list of users. Like this,


By clicking on a name, a drop down menu will appear, as follows.


Whois: This command will display information about the selected user. This command can also be done by typing "/whois nicknamehere" For example,


Query: Selecting this option will bring up a private dialoge with the selected user in a new IRC tab. To switch between the private conversation, and the main room, click on the tabs, you can send a message without opening a new dialogue by typing "/msg nicknamehere messagehere".


Slap:This command is used to send a notification to another user, the targeted user will hear an audio "beep" and see a red notification. This is used to get people's attention, though become's annoying if repeatedly used.


Getting Authed

An auth, short for authentication. Is a login you can use on Quakenet. To verify who you are, you will also need this if you wish to create our own channel later on. You can do this by reading the following instructions,

- ... unt-with-q

Changing your nick: To change your nick type "/nick newnickhere"

TIP: After your auth is all set up, you can auth quicker by typing "/auth yournickhere passwordhere" BUT be careful not to accidentally type that into the chan by putting "./auth nicknamhehere passwordhere" or anyone will be able to log in as you.

Some Useful Chans

Here's a list of official AoS rooms.

- #AoS.forums

    For assistance in relation to the forums


    For assistance with anything AoS related

- #AoS.gbl

    For any GBL enquires

- #AoS.mapping

    For mapping related enquiries

- #AoS.gather

    Join and organise your own mini-match with others

- #AoS.Clan

    For clan related enquiries/discussion

- #Pyspades

    For Pyspades related enquiries/discussion

- #Spadille

    For Spadille related enquiries/discussion

Setting Up Your Own Chan

IRC is incredibly useful for clan's/teams/squads etc, or even just keeping in touch with your friends. Creating a temporary channel, is very easy. When in #AoS or any IRC room on quakenet. Type "/join #channelnamehere" this will creation the room and "OP" you in it. OP's have an "@" symbol in front of their name, and have powers within that chan, such as kicking and banning.

Your new channel will open in a new IRC window tab. This is currently a TEMP room, once everyone leaves it, it will disappear. And anyone can re-create it and get OP'd there.

Creating a permanent room is a little bit harder and take a little bit of time. Your going to have to get a Bot in your channel called "Q" which is a quakenet service.

More info:

Read this part for info on how to request the Q bot -

And here for commands to control Q -

Nordic Bots:

Nordic is a series of bots like Q, except more diverse and easier to use. With commands such as "!ban nickhere" and "!devoice nickhere"

Nordic Site -

Requesting A Bot -

Bot Information -

Having Q AND Nordic is a very good idea. Between them they contain a myriad of chan settings and controls to suit any situation.


Clients are programs which make using IRC alot easier, or give you more control. Many are free and are quick to download. Below are a few of the most popular.

1) Mirc -

2) Xchat -

3) IceChat -

4) Kvirc -

5) Irssi -

Browse the above site's for guides on how to use that particular client.
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Bastion Warden
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Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:46 pm
Location: Terminal Island

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