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Got a great new idea for the game?


Postby toniyo3 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:48 pm

Hey guys! I have some ideas. Let's start :
1.a pistol and a long gun, not just a long gun.(like colt 1911 and rifle, H&K and SMG, revolver and shotgun.)
2.vehicles - bikes, cars, maybe even helicopters! (fuel system - you can dig fuel. fuel is 30 blocks underground. one block of fuel is 5 blocks of ground.helicopter doesn't need fuel, it's obtained after a 5 or 6 killstreak.the bike doesn't need fuel and it's a little bit faster than sprinting, and you can shoot from it.) earn money when you kill. there is a store. in this store you can buy more ammo, vest and fuel and more stuff you can think of. (kind of like CS)
4.juggernaut mode, like blue vs green = juggernaut vs specops or something like it.(juggernauts have more armor (800 health) but are VERY Slow and deal only mele damage.
5.flashlights! and dark maps, like caves! and if you turn on your flashlight, people will see you! (it will stay on your head like a headband)
6.sentries! you know, someone can take their helicopter and camp on the other team's prevent this, on every spawnpoint, there is a SAM turret protecting a 40x40 area from the spawnpoint so helicopter's don't camp and ruin the other teams fun.Sam turrets are not moveable or interactive. they just protect you. they don't shoot enemy players on other vehicles, as jeeps and bikes can be shot eaesily, and heli's not. know, for stealth. you are not shown on the map if using a silencer.
Those are my ideas, hope you like them and please respond!
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Re: Ideas!

Postby RaUR » Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:14 pm

Great ideas!
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Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:44 pm

Re: Ideas!

Postby XxsnipahxX » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:14 pm

This is why WE HAVE A SUGGESTIONS THREAD. anyway read the DNSL.
want a sig like mines?Click here^^
favorite weapon(s): SMG and rifle
favorite server: Last Team standing,Shams Little Pony, and Minit US
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Re: Ideas!

Postby USABxBOOYO » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:31 pm

These have been suggested an innumerable amount of times.

Please try to read the Do Not Suggest List and avoid posting new topics in "Official".
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