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Make maps bigger.

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Make maps bigger.

Postby Reriiru » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:52 am

After a few days of reading this forum i'v made one conclusion: almost all nice suggestions can be made, and the problems can be solved by just giving map editor and map generator abiliy to increase the size of map. Not only increasing, but opening the map's shape redactor, not only freaken square. For sure you can make rectangle map now, but that's a pain in the some place.
Now let's talk abiut pros and cons of this:
[+] Death will become a real punishment.
[+] This creates alot of opportunities in building things.
[+] Veichles whould make sence.
[+] Alot of new map varietes.
[+] It whould make reskilling harder. (I am not quite sure ^^)
And one, but very discussable, con:
[-] This whould bring AOS close to battlefield series.

Now let's talk about them indepth.

1. Death will become a real punishment.
You have no idea what is death now on a generic server, especially if you are low on health or you have no ammo left. It is nothing for sure. If it is default map in 2 of 3 situations you'l better go die then go more then a half map back. The only reason not to die now is wne you are in full defence. When you are trying to keep bunker alive or something. When you are trying to attack, but failed and faced a bit more enemies then you wanted to, and barelly survived you have to die. Without any safe tunnel going back whould take you ~20 secs and possibility to die. Just death is around ~15 seconds. Same thing is with sniping - when you are out of ammo you will better go die and safelly respawn, then try to dig a safe tunnel and recognising that even with it running to the base whould take you ~13-15 secs.
I should totally say what am i trying to - bigger map whould make ammo cases more balanced. Couse you will not have to go back for ammo's, but any your mistake in bunker whould be punished. Hardly - when getting to your point is like ~ 40 or more secs (when bunker is offensive and suppresing) your bunker whould likely be destroyed. This whould reward your skill alot.
It must not be constant an worth alot also. Something like your building blocks.

2. This creates alot of opportunities in building things.
Now building does not worth anything. Well they do, but not as much as they was when there was only rifle in your hands. With autoclimbs and smgs on defaults there is not so many point of making bunker. But making map bigger whould solve this. How? Easy - it's about death punishment again. When you get this far you don't really wanna die. You better be making fortification to reinforce this point for your team. Lot of holding, tunneling and other strategies whould become available.

3. Veichles whould make sence.
Well with a big map some kind of veichles whould make sence. Not like heli, or jeep - they are too fast, and not really good for team in the way that was discussed a thousand of times. But the slow and massive ones, that whould slowly carry you to the enemy and support the aliaces on the ground. And it whould not kill the bunker balance(that IMO, should be like easy to build and hard to keep.). It's not like i am suggesting this veichle, i just have seen it in the other topic, and it seems legit in this kind of maps. And alot more of them whould be good. That is what i am talking about - possibility to make veichle, not like MAKE VEICHLES THEY ARE COOL OMG OMG.

4. Alot of new map varietes.
That is obvious. I don't think that i need to explain something here, but if you ask i will.

5. It whould make reskilling harder.
How? You just don't want to die on this map. Thats all. If you go reskill you will die or enemy team is really bad. And even if losing team is really bad this map size still gives them alot more opportunities to make "comeback".

And i want to see discussion about the con ^^.

P.S. There was another solution in my head - increasing the respawn timer, but that is retarded.
Last edited by Reriiru on Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby armandux1 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:43 pm

You said to make maps bigger and i agree, but there is one detail you forgot to mention. Exactly how big will the maps get ? I don't need something like 3756 blocks X 4587 blocks, but something that gives a more general impression like: Make maps 4 times bigger !
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Reriiru » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:51 pm

Well, i want to make map any size. Any size modemaker or server host(if map is default) want to have. I whould make my own maps in this case probably.
But the point is that it also needs officiall additions that is enableable by host. Like if you want official veichles on your map - you get it. All the things needs to be configurable. For example i dont really want to see deployable machine guns on the small map. Or harder blocks on town fight maps. But i do want to see some of this on giant map, where it whould make sence.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Tigershield » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:05 pm

I like the idea of maps bigger/smaller.But I think the most important thing whit bigger maps is the size of the player. We need 64 player support then.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Reriiru » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:04 pm

Tigershield wrote:I like the idea of maps bigger/smaller.But I think the most important thing whit bigger maps is the size of the player. We need 64 player support then.

That is quiet good idea too. I think that in server soft you should make any amount of players you wanna too. All this things whould also whould support mod makers alot.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby lolpwned23 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:52 pm

I support, bigger maps means more opportunities
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby SDiederick » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:01 pm

Bigger maps means 1 hour of walking to just end up dieing T_T
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Gorman » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:22 am

No need to go in to depth, maps should have been variable size from day one.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby xEric » Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:57 am

I'm not going to walk 30 minutes to get to a target and get killed.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Priok » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:01 am

bigger maps would be great, especially if the roof was raised, so a map could not only be huge, but really tall, with several layers of stuff.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Fluttershy » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:07 am

adjustable player sizes would need to come with this.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby ChaosTLW » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:58 am

SDiederick wrote:Bigger maps means 1 hour of walking to just end up dieing T_T

That is exactly the point of bigger maps,making death something bad that you want to avoid.Right now,if you get out of ammo,NO PROBLEM!,just choose another weapon and choose back!
There is no reason to fear death now,unless you have the intel,and even that,no one cares about the intel anymore.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Squeal » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:21 am

Personally, any map larger than the gen-maps is simply useless...
You claim it would make death a real punishment, wrong. It'll make game-play punishing:

    Players will be slit apart and dis-organised to the point in which the front-line receded into a blurry mess. It decreases tension, as game-play becomes similar to that on an empty server.
    Supplies simply won't be able to get to the front lines, no structure will be larger than a 3x3 pillbox.
    Construction nearer to base is useless, because you will lack the players to defend such a large perimeter.
    The game becomes a stalemate, because the defenders can spawn in 5 seconds, it will take you over 50 seconds for the attacker to get there.

Before suggesting something like this, I sincerely ask that you play a larger map first.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby Gorman » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:59 am

I think you exaggerate Squeal, this suggestion is about more than just arbitrarily increasing map sizes, it is about giving map makers the ability to. Not only that, but having non-square map configurations.

At the moment all maps are the same size. It would be quite interesting to play on maps of different sizes and shapes.
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Re: Make maps bigger.

Postby MegaDeuce » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:55 am

I talked about this on the OldForum way back when, good suggestion then, good suggestion now!

BUUUUUUT not until vehicles are implemented. You need a jeep or something to get you to where the action is!
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