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The Red Planet ( RPG )

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The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby MrMeow » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:26 pm

No god modding.
No instakills, You must take aim before firing. It takes a turn to aim and the next turn to fire.
You cannot instantly know the location of someone that is hiding.
No Uber weapons, Single shelled R-launchers are aloud though.
That should cover the bases.

Welcome to Remolth a wasteland of a planet only used for mining resources. On this planet survival is low, One must perform raids on caravans as a bandit, Join the lawmen to earn food or wait for rations as a citizen. When performing raids on caravans you may want to get the manifest ( Night ) or ask around ( Day ) if you are caught or someone tells on you the caravans won't be sent out that day but if you are successful you will know what is in the caravan for that day. You may choose to start with a vehicle. As a citizen you can either be a normal commoner or a prisoner shipped here for mining. Ammo is limited, You get 4 clips for your primary weapon and 2 for your handgun. Ammo can be restored for bandits and lawmen by forging it. Find 1 uncommon powder rock and some scrap metal to make bullets, Lawmen make 1 clip but the bullets are much better quality allowing lawmen to posses larger caliber rounds, Are able to pierce armor easily and more effective bullets if they shoot you in a limb it is disabled until you get it fixed. Bandits make 2 clips at a time but they are of lesser quality then lawmen they will have to use more rounds to take out body armor but make up for it in being able to make lots of bullets at a time, They can still take out limbs but it will take double the rounds. Redlung is from rusted metal in the air, Wear a mask when you are outside. You must eat once a day, Eating 3 times a day will let you shrug off 1 lethal wound. You start out with a sandwich and some OJ you must eat upon waking up. You start with 100 dollars.

SMG: light, Good clip size, Hard to conceal and low stopping power. Clip = 30
Pistol: Light, Easy to conceal but weak, Only use this in desperation. Clip = 12
Shotgun: Medium, Cannot conceal, Uses Buckshots but it has low ROF and can't punch through armor. Clip = 6
Sniper: Large, Cannot conceal, Uses large caliber rounds, pierces armor easily and is bolt-action. Clip = 5
Semi: Medium, Cannot conceal, uses standard rounds, Average AP, less accurate than the sniper and has heavy recoil if fired to fast. Clip = 8
RPG: Incredibly heavy, Cannot conceal, Cumbersome rounds, Cannot make rounds but it is devastating and takes out vehicles with ease. Clip = 1 Cost - 100 a round

Leopard - A mortar bike, This allows you to easily catch up to a caravan and jump on it. It's lightweight, fast, carries one to two people but it can't take much damage. Cost - 500
Lion - A medium sized 4 wheel vehicle, It has a LMG in the back and can carry up to four people 1 driver one gunner and 2 people hanging on the sides. Good speed, Nice armor, nice handling but it isn't as fast as the Leopard or as strong as the Rhino. Cost - 1000
Rhino - A large 4 wheeled vehicle, It has a rocket launcher instead of the LMG, Heavy armor plating but it is slow and only ideal for taking on other vehicles or taking towns. Cost - 5000

Gas mask: Heavy, Hard to breathe in, Needs regular filter changes, Expensive but it makes it hard to tell who you are and negates any chance you'd get Redlung or airborne viruses. Price - 100
Metal mask: OK weight, Can be made out of any scrap metal, Cheap to buy, Protects the face but it is still possible to get Redlung and if made poorly it will cut your face. Price - 25
Dust mask: Very light, Cheap, Protection from disease, Doesn't conceal ID. Price - 10

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Character sheet

Faction: ( Bandit, Lawman, Citizen or Prisoner. )
Favorite Weapon:
Disliked weapons: ( Needs to be equal to Favorite. )

Name: Lloyd Gallows
Age: 27
Weight: 200 LBS
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Faction: Bandit
Favorite Weapon: SMG and pistol
Disliked weapons: RPG and Sniper
Loadout: An SMG, Pistol, Piece of pipe, Green Metal Mask and a Green Leopard.
Bio: Lloyd Gallows originally came here as a prisoner only to escape and become a Bandit, He wears black pants, white shirt, Shoes and a Green vest.

> Lloyd wakes up in his shack on the canyons.
> He checks his rounds...
SMG = 30/90
Pistol = 12/36
> He eats a sandwich and drinks his OJ
> He grabs his keys and sits in a chair.
Last edited by MrMeow on Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Th Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby Ultrayoshi49 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:42 pm

Name: Karen Storm
Age: 34
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 6' 1"
Faction: Bandit
Favorite Weapon: Sniper
Disliked weapons: Shotgun
Loadout: Sniper, Pistol, Metal Mask, Black Leopard
Bio: Originally living in a crazy town, Karen was eventually captured and sent to Remolth. She eventually got away after sneaking around for about a month, and is now back to her old ways of being a criminal
>Karen wakes up for the new morning in her shack
>"Man, I really miss that old manor I used to have"
>She cleans her newly stolen Lee Enfield
>"Just like old times, isn't it."
>She looks to the other side of the canyon at Lloyd
>She gives him a nod and continues cleaning
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Re: Th Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby MrMeow » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:49 pm

> Lloyd puts on his Metal mask.
> He gets on his leopard, Takes of the stand, Starts it and drives off.
> He looks around the wastes as he is driving.

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Re: Th Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby ZaPhobos » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:17 pm

>Th Red Planet

Oh hell, change it NOW.

Character sheet

Name: Vladimier "Heavy weapons guy" Brownies
Age: 40 Years of pain
Weight: 340 LBS of muscular toughness
Height: 6'5"
Faction: Lawman, because we always need at least one.
Favorite Weapons: RPG of undying pain, shotgun.
Disliked weapons: Little baby pistol, manliless SMG
Loadout: Shotgun, 4 boxes of 6 rounds each; little baby pistol for humiliating people, 2 clips; Brass knuckles with the words "feel me" rembossed into them; standard gas mask from security, flack jacket filled with heartfelt love.
Bio: BWAHAHA, Vlad needs no biography, Vlad hails from world of hurt and never backs down!
Money: 97, he bought an extra sandvich before departing.

>Vlad eats his SANVICH brand sandvich.
>Vlad puts on the standard security gas mask as he leaves the Rhino.
>He slides the flack jacket that he got from his mother when he was 8 on, it fits loosely, but not too loose.
>He steps out.
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby MrMeow » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:36 pm

( Sorry, I just woke up when I typed the title. )

> Lloyd sits down in the town.
> He walks over to a store and looks at it's wares.

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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby ZaPhobos » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:42 pm

>Vlad walks over to the nearby barracks and takes off his mask.


He eats his second SANDVICH brand sandwich. The man is hungry and pissed off after the long flight.
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby Ultrayoshi49 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:00 am

>Karen hops on her leopard and begins driving around the dusty landscape.
>She sees a lone traveler in the distance with a fairly large back pack on
>He looks fairly unnerved, looking back and forth frantically
>"Just what I needed"
>She hided behind a rocky outcrop, making sure he can't see her
>She takes aim at him with her rifle
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby ZaPhobos » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:13 am

>Vlad orders a bland and rather questionable meat from the cook...


>He downs his OH JAY. (Oj)
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby IronShotGun » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:29 am

Name: Bane Rolik
Age: 24
Weight: 260
Height: 6'3"
Faction: Bandit
Favorite Weapon: Sniper and shotgun
Disliked weapons: Semi and SMG
Loadout: Sniper, pistol, gas mask, and a desert camouflaged leopard.
Bio:Ex-prisoner, escaped and No moar bio 4 u
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby ZaPhobos » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:33 am

Whoa, what, the guy can like sniper rifles but refuses to pick up a semi-auto rifle?
Please explain...

>Vlad puts on his gas mask and walks out with his shotgun of pain.
>He patrols the area...
>So on
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby IronShotGun » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:38 am

Accuracy freak, who isn't (except those damned SMG users.. :3). But really, he prefers to take his shots slowly and them to actually hit the target hes aiming at.
>Eats half the sandwich
>Goes and searches for material to make ammunition.
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby ZaPhobos » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:43 am

>While patrolling and stuff, he finds a weird lookn' rock and picks it up.
>Out of destructive habit, he puts it is a small bag and smacks it with the butt of his shotgun...
>A small explosion happens, but his flack jacket takes the whole of the explosion.

"Just as I thought, gunpowder in rock form. I thank you for looking like a mix of sulphur and other powders in rock form."

>He picks up another and puts it in his pocket.
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby Cloudnine01 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:39 am

Holy, another RPG thread? how do you keep all of them up =0

Name: Aether "Ghost" Elexander
Age: 21
Weight: 140 LBS
Height: 5'10
Faction: Bandit
Favorite Weapon: SMG, Shotgun, Beam Katana (you ain't got shit on any melee bro)
Disliked weapons: Sniper, Semi.
Loadout: (Pics as shown below)
Smg x2 (akimbo*):
Dust Mask:
Modified Lion:
Bio: Caravan raiding has been Aether's entire life. His father was executed for raiding several caravans himself. He now seeks vengeance against the lawman who executed his father, and will kill anyone else related to that specific situation.

*BTW, akimbo may SEEM over powered, but, mags wasted faster, harder/longer reloads, no aiming, recoil, you get the point =)


>Aether takes a couple bites of his sandwich and stares outside at the red dust blowing in the wind.
>He puts on his skull mask and walks outside as he finishes off the sandwich and takes a swig of orange juice.
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby ZaPhobos » Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:23 am

Akimbo? You can't aim for shit, recoil, can't really hide 2... I can roll with it.

>Vlad's shift ends for patrol, and he takes his wad of cash.
>2000 get due to the general danger of being out there...
>He pays the 90% tax.
>Now he has 294 cash, after getting a SANDVICH brand SANDVICH.
>Retires to the barracks.
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Re: The Red Planet ( RPG )

Postby Cloudnine01 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:08 am

>Aether walks with his P90s in both of his hands.
SMG 1: 30/60
SMG 2: 17/60
>He walks towards the blind side of the barracks and sets on of his P90s down while he reloads the other one.
Ammo: 60/47 (ammo is SHARED for both weapons)
Last edited by Cloudnine01 on Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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