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The Herobrine of AoS

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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby SRL » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:30 pm

But, seriously, it makes you wonder... What secrets does the intel hold? And why do the players want their own intel so badly? I mean, Lord of the Rings reference, much? (Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrecioussssssssssssss.....)
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby ChaosTLW » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:27 pm

USABxGUNSLINGER wrote:Puzzled after the Goonhaven closing, I went onto the server list, and saw "Goonhaven 1111111...", that had an endless 1 going across the screen. Puzzled, I clicked on it, and all the lights in my neighborhood went off (this was at about 9 PM). When I saw the teams, one was labeled "Death", and the other "Misery". Clicking on spectator, I was suddenly put on misery. All of a sudden, I was spawned in a big, endless, gray cube, that went on for what seemed like forever, although I could see all the maps I've seen GH host on the horizon. All of a sudden, a person on the death team came up behind me. I checked the player list to see who was on which team, and the only one on the team seemed to be named Thal. I suddenly had a massive lag spike, and checked the player list, and about 90 people seemed to join the misery team. All of a sudden, screaming and crying erupted from my headphones, and each person seemed to have the name of someone who was a GH regular... then, another person joined death, his name was StackOverflow... Then both members of death seemed to be trying to fight eachother with spades, when they suddenly turned into scythes, even though I didn't have a spade mod like that. After fighting each other, they suddenly turned around, and their spades grew gigantic. They started slashing all the players...all of them, it was scary. All of a sudden, one of them looked me in the face. His face turned into...well, I don't even want to describe, it was the most hideous thing I've ever seen, and computer crashed, and all the lights turned back on around the neighborhood, and in my house.

I'm not sure if I want to play AoS anymore...

Best creepypasta here.
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby SpadesSlick » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:49 pm

demo123 wrote:Yeah there is.And he is called Xom.And i hunt him.Ill hunt him till i find him.When i find him ill rip him to pieces.

Xom is a good buddy of mine. He puts curses on me and doesn'7 afraid of anything.

You got a problem wi7h him, buddy?
I'm 7ha7 asshole who 7alks like 7his.

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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby MRdust » Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:24 pm

All this is nothing....The true stroy is this: One day on my old IGN I join'ed a server (can't remember its name but I think its something like Zenn'sgreen server) when I join I have look on the player list.There were 6 players and one of them have the name ,,collection_number_14''(I cal him num14).So num14 have 0 kill's on the list and he stand alone on a red block,he dont move he is like afk but when you come little closer he shot u like a dog. So some guy tell me that num14 is a aim-botter, after that guy tipe's /votekick collection_number_14'' and all players say'd /y all but not me.And then i see in the chat collection_number_14 was banned for 15 minutes,and then 5 sec later he re-connect and then all player's where banned expet me.And then he say's


me:I what, who the hell are you?

num.14:you,you,you gonna be part of the collection.

me:dude you are creepy

num.14:you are the part,the part,of my collection

num.14: we are the borg.Lower your shield's and surrend your ships.we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness.your culture will adapt to serivec us.resistance is futile.

and then some player name SevenOfNine joined the team of num.14 and then they hunted me.I have run and when i kill one they respawn there where they died.and then other player's joined num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6,num7.The only chance to kill them is THE i killed num4 and then he was kicked.then the map changed to borg mother ship.the map was a giant green scary box in what I havent got a cp, i have only got a intel but the borgs havent got a intel only the cp. so u can't make point's and heal you-self.I killed all borg's expect num.14 then he say'd

num.14:Time for you to leave.

when he say'd that he spawnd behind me and spade me,then I was banned form the server.And when i try to join another server they say choose your in game name:__________________(u know that when u set your ing) and i set it to ,,just_a_tester'' and when i join i have seen some player with my old ing what was banned for:saying scary word's,spamming,aimbotting....

hope u liked it :D
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby lalorobot » Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:24 pm

Frostified wrote:Dear lord, I thought I was the only one, I thought I was going mad.
What you are about to read is a true story:
One day, I was playing on gen map, back in 0.49. It was probably the tenth time I had ever played Ace Of Spades, I decided to try something I had never tried before whilst in-game, I wanted to dig down as far as I could, like you do in minecraft.
I decided to choose the coordinate B4 as my digging point (I thought of B4s, so I dug there). I checked that no greens were around to snipe me, and that no blues would sneak up and dig me in. Thus, my quest to dig down as far as I could began. I can't remember exactly, but it must've been four hours or something I had been digging down for, block after block, my pickaxe connecting with every single one. After a while, I started to get hungry, so I wanted to go and grab a sandwich after all my long digging. Just as I was about to leave my computer, I heard the sound of a block being put down. Thinking it was some stupid deuce who was having a laugh by sealing up my route, I looked up... and what I saw was unbelieveable. The sky/fog above me had gone completely black, I thought it was some kind of glitch, so I carried on. Then, all the players on the server suddenly disconnected (There were about 32) I thought this was very strange, so I minimized my client and checked the play page.
I looked at the servers infomation and it said:
Server name: ... Player Count: 13/1 Ping: 666
After looking at the numbers 13 and 666, I kinda freaked out because those numbers are unlucky numbers.
Nevertheless, I went back to digging. I re-opened my client. For some reason though, I had ended up being teleported to some weird place on the gen map, it was completely black, the ground and the sky. I checked the player list... there were two players currently connected to the game. Me, and some other guy. His name was listed as '13'.
Puzzled, I typed into the chat: "Hey, you there!" "Do you have any clue what going on"?
13 replied with: 1....1.....1......1....1....1...
I said: Derp, that's a weird response. I'm not in the mood for trolling atm. Could you tell me if the master server is down?
13 then said: 3.....3.....3.....3....3...3...
Me: As much as I hate to say this, but your creeping me out. And it's in a video game. Which is just awkward.
This time, I got no reply from 13. So I decided to just quit AoS. Strangely though, when I tried pressing escape, nothing happend, I then tried minimizing, nothing happend, I tried turning off my computer (both on the power button and the wall socket) and guess what? Nothing happend.
Since I couldn't do anything, I tried moving around this weird, black room. But with every step I took, 13 would reply with some strange comment:
*Step 1*
13: There was darnkess, so much darkness, like a dread cloak all about me........but suddenly there is light, it burns my eyes, the heavy cold steel of the rifle is heavy in my hands...
*Step 2*
13: "Move! mooove!" he said.... Tracer fire ereupts all about us
*Step 3*
13: Why do I feel so cold?
*Step 4*
13: "We must protect it... They can never have it" he said...
*Step 5*
13: But I want it... for us... Only we can have it...
*Step 6*
13: We must steal it... betray them...
*Step 7*
13: But I don't want to hurt them...
*Step 8*
13: You must....
*Step 9*
13: We must...
*Step 10*
13: They're coming, they going to take it...
*Step 11*
13: I can't let....
*Step 12*
13: ...Stop
*Step 13*
13: YOU

Suddenly, my client freaked out, it was shaking and spinning and fuzzing. Odd noises could be heard, bullet sounds mixed with static.
Then, I was upside down, my player model was looking directly down onto another player. That player then moved his head up to look directly at mine. I'll never forget his face:
(Re-representation in Slab6)
Then his eyes (or whatever they were) emitted a bright red flash. The next thing I know, my computer has turned off, including the monitor.

I thought this was just some dodgy virus that was on my computer, so I dissmissed it.
A few things that I find strange though:
My entire Ace Of Spades folder had been deleted
Mcafee didn't pick up anything
And when I ever my FPS drops (so that the screen lags etc.) There always seem to be a player on the player list with no name, just the ID #13....

I hope you enjoyed that short story, maybe this will turn into a meme! :D Credit to DE for some help on lines.

You sir creeped me out XD
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby ugotpiez » Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:21 am

MRdust wrote:All this is nothing....The true stroy is this: One day on my old IGN I join'ed a server (can't remember its name but I think its something like Zenn'sgreen server) when I join I have look on the player list.There were 6 players and one of them have the name ,,collection_number_14''(I cal him num14).So num14 have 0 kill's on the list and he stand alone on a red block,he dont move he is like afk but when you come little closer he shot u like a dog. So some guy tell me that num14 is a aim-botter, after that guy tipe's /votekick collection_number_14'' and all players say'd /y all but not me.And then i see in the chat collection_number_14 was banned for 15 minutes,and then 5 sec later he re-connect and then all player's where banned expet me.And then he say's


me:I what, who the hell are you?

num.14:you,you,you gonna be part of the collection.

me:dude you are creepy

num.14:you are the part,the part,of my collection

num.14: we are the borg.Lower your shield's and surrend your ships.we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness.your culture will adapt to serivec us.resistance is futile.

and then some player name SevenOfNine joined the team of num.14 and then they hunted me.I have run and when i kill one they respawn there where they died.and then other player's joined num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6,num7.The only chance to kill them is THE i killed num4 and then he was kicked.then the map changed to borg mother ship.the map was a giant green scary box in what I havent got a cp, i have only got a intel but the borgs havent got a intel only the cp. so u can't make point's and heal you-self.I killed all borg's expect num.14 then he say'd

num.14:Time for you to leave.

when he say'd that he spawnd behind me and spade me,then I was banned form the server.And when i try to join another server they say choose your in game name:__________________(u know that when u set your ing) and i set it to ,,just_a_tester'' and when i join i have seen some player with my old ing what was banned for:saying scary word's,spamming,aimbotting....

hope u liked it :D


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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Sparrow137 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:12 am

lalorobot wrote:
Frostified wrote:Dear lord, I thought I was the only one, I thought I was going mad.
What you are about to read is a true story:
One day, I was playing on gen map, back in 0.49. It was probably the tenth time I had ever played Ace Of Spades, I decided to try something I had never tried before whilst in-game, I wanted to dig down as far as I could, like you do in minecraft.
I decided to choose the coordinate B4 as my digging point (I thought of B4s, so I dug there). I checked that no greens were around to snipe me, and that no blues would sneak up and dig me in. Thus, my quest to dig down as far as I could began. I can't remember exactly, but it must've been four hours or something I had been digging down for, block after block, my pickaxe connecting with every single one. After a while, I started to get hungry, so I wanted to go and grab a sandwich after all my long digging. Just as I was about to leave my computer, I heard the sound of a block being put down. Thinking it was some stupid deuce who was having a laugh by sealing up my route, I looked up... and what I saw was unbelieveable. The sky/fog above me had gone completely black, I thought it was some kind of glitch, so I carried on. Then, all the players on the server suddenly disconnected (There were about 32) I thought this was very strange, so I minimized my client and checked the play page.
I looked at the servers infomation and it said:
Server name: ... Player Count: 13/1 Ping: 666
After looking at the numbers 13 and 666, I kinda freaked out because those numbers are unlucky numbers.
Nevertheless, I went back to digging. I re-opened my client. For some reason though, I had ended up being teleported to some weird place on the gen map, it was completely black, the ground and the sky. I checked the player list... there were two players currently connected to the game. Me, and some other guy. His name was listed as '13'.
Puzzled, I typed into the chat: "Hey, you there!" "Do you have any clue what going on"?
13 replied with: 1....1.....1......1....1....1...
I said: Derp, that's a weird response. I'm not in the mood for trolling atm. Could you tell me if the master server is down?
13 then said: 3.....3.....3.....3....3...3...
Me: As much as I hate to say this, but your creeping me out. And it's in a video game. Which is just awkward.
This time, I got no reply from 13. So I decided to just quit AoS. Strangely though, when I tried pressing escape, nothing happend, I then tried minimizing, nothing happend, I tried turning off my computer (both on the power button and the wall socket) and guess what? Nothing happend.
Since I couldn't do anything, I tried moving around this weird, black room. But with every step I took, 13 would reply with some strange comment:
*Step 1*
13: There was darnkess, so much darkness, like a dread cloak all about me........but suddenly there is light, it burns my eyes, the heavy cold steel of the rifle is heavy in my hands...
*Step 2*
13: "Move! mooove!" he said.... Tracer fire ereupts all about us
*Step 3*
13: Why do I feel so cold?
*Step 4*
13: "We must protect it... They can never have it" he said...
*Step 5*
13: But I want it... for us... Only we can have it...
*Step 6*
13: We must steal it... betray them...
*Step 7*
13: But I don't want to hurt them...
*Step 8*
13: You must....
*Step 9*
13: We must...
*Step 10*
13: They're coming, they going to take it...
*Step 11*
13: I can't let....
*Step 12*
13: ...Stop
*Step 13*
13: YOU

Suddenly, my client freaked out, it was shaking and spinning and fuzzing. Odd noises could be heard, bullet sounds mixed with static.
Then, I was upside down, my player model was looking directly down onto another player. That player then moved his head up to look directly at mine. I'll never forget his face:
(Re-representation in Slab6)
Then his eyes (or whatever they were) emitted a bright red flash. The next thing I know, my computer has turned off, including the monitor.

I thought this was just some dodgy virus that was on my computer, so I dissmissed it.
A few things that I find strange though:
My entire Ace Of Spades folder had been deleted
Mcafee didn't pick up anything
And when I ever my FPS drops (so that the screen lags etc.) There always seem to be a player on the player list with no name, just the ID #13....

I hope you enjoyed that short story, maybe this will turn into a meme! :D Credit to DE for some help on lines.

You sir creeped me out XD

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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby IronShotGun » Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:21 am

I have something to say...
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Re: The Herobrine of AoS

Postby Soldierboy » Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:39 pm

Yeah nice stories, not as scary as Herobrine tho.
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