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Player hacking

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Player hacking

Postby Himself6196 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:07 am

I wasn't sure where to post this, so I apologize if it's in the wrong area.

Anyways, I and a friend were playing in a server, and we noticed this guy on the other team was doing extremely well - having well above 100 points more than anyone else, all his kills were headshots, his view seemed to be kind of jerky. All in all, it wasn't /too/ bad until one point. A friend and I, in a squad, came upon this guy - we shoot him a few times, he headshots us both - he doesn't die, kills us both, and then - SOMEHOW - manages to headshot everyone else on our team, with the rest of the clip, very quickly. He took no time to aim, just fired as soon as he could and each person died - all from headshots.

His name is Lexo. Anyone else who was in the game with us can probably also testify as to the serious amount of wtf was going on.

Can something be done about this?
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Re: Player hacking

Postby yeneeko » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:12 am

I can personally vouch for this as well. As you can see - that's my name on the screen. While I don't have any screen shots to provide, that one clearly shows that he in fact shot our entire team following us in one clip and head-shot all of us.
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Re: Player hacking

Postby demo123 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:50 am

You know, there is a little function called votekick.
Do /votekick (name) (reason)
or do /admin (message to admins) if there are any.

That way you can ban him/her.
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Re: Player hacking

Postby Varun » Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:54 am

I wouldn't pass judgement too quickly. Its probable that he was hacking, but I can get my name on the leaderboard, and take out an entire team without hax. And I suck ;p. Usually you can tell by the person's behaviour. If they have tons of headshots, but run around and don't use any tactics, they could be aimbots. A lot of aimbots might aim better than a skilled player, but a skilled player usually plays smart, while aimbots just rush enemies.
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Re: Player hacking

Postby demo123 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:55 am

Varun wrote:I wouldn't pass judgement too quickly. Its probable that he was hacking, but I can get my name on the leaderboard, and take out an entire team without hax. And I suck ;p. Usually you can tell by the person's behaviour. If they have tons of headshots, but run around and don't use any tactics, they could be aimbots. A lot of aimbots might aim better than a skilled player, but a skilled player usually plays smart, while aimbots just rush enemies.

Or he could be a decent spawn camper.

I remember once that I and Fraser filled the killfeed with headshots and with the airstrike rain while spawncamping on Deck 17.
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Re: Player hacking

Postby Varun » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:38 pm

No, yeah thats what I mean. Its pretty easy to fill the killfeed. But its pretty easy to tell if its an aimbot. Aimbots get kills, but everything else they do is sloppy.
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Re: Player hacking

Postby Himself6196 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:52 pm

No, I didn't know there was a votekick or admin function - neither of those were listed in the /help, as far as I can recall.

And trust me, he was hacking of some sort - aimbotting or something. You had to have been there. He also seemed to have a tendency to not die, regardless of how many bullets were put into him. I was the top, in points, on my team - With something like 40 or so kills. He was the top on the other team - and had 150+.
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Re: Player hacking

Postby Echo » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:17 pm

demo123 wrote:You know, there is a little function called votekick.

It works about 25% of the time. A majority of the in-game community are shadows that don't use the forums or chat and just walk around and build or kill other players. Also it takes like 50% of the whole server to vote before anyone can be kicked (It should be more like 20%).
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Re: Player hacking

Postby Falcon » Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:18 pm

Lexo... I hope this isn't Lexysm... But you did the right thing. And what server were you on? Most server do have the votekick function....
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Re: Player hacking

Postby ugotpiez » Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:53 pm

I thought the votekick function was a default command, both in Vanilla and pyspades.

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